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Online-Lecture: Dr. Benjamin Creutzfeldt (Göttingen University): „China in Latin America – Some Observations“
21. Dezember 2021, 18:15 - 20:15
Dr. Benjamin Creutzfeldt is a Lecturer at the Department of East Asian Studies. -He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at SAIS Foreign Policy Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and a Resident Fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC. He obtained his Ph.D. in Political Studies from Externado University in Colombia, and is also a historian of Chinese art with ample experience as an auctioneer and start-up entrepreneur in China, Colombia, Panama and the United States. For the past ten years, he has researched and published widely on China’s relations with Latin America. He is interested in both the practical and the theoretical aspects of China’s foreign policy: diplomacy, and Chinese IR Theory.
Meeting-ID: 964 7784 7223
Kenncode: 997514