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Seminar Room 1, DARE (9.136, Blue tower)
Veranstaltungen an diesem veranstaltungsort
“China’s Role in a Changing Global Economy” (2018年哥廷根大学-南京大学研讨会:变化的全球经济和中国发展)
Seminar Room 1, DARE (9.136, Blue tower) Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen, DeutschlandProgram: Opening 13:00-13:10 Prof. Xiaohua Yu (Göttingen), Introducing the program and the participants from University of Göttingen (于晓华教授:介绍会议日程以及哥廷根大学的与会者) Dr. Xu Ning (NJU), Introducing the participants from Nanjing University and IDEI (徐宁博士: 介绍南京大学的与会者以及南京大学产业经济研究院) Presentations: 13:10-16:00 1,Prof. Zhibiao Liu (NJU): Globalization and Advanced Countries-of-Manufacture from a Perspective of Global Value Chain (刘志彪教授:GVC视角下的全球化与建设制造强国) 2, Prof. Krisztina Kis-Katos (Göttingen): […]