Dr. Harlan David Chambers
Researcher (Third Party-Funded Project)
E-mail: harlan.chambers@uni-goettingen.de
Dai Guohua
Language teaching
E-mail: guohua.dai@uni-goettingen.de
specified Chinese teaching with the task-based language learning approach | Chinese modern literature and art
Dr. Michael Dickhardt
Study Coordinator
E-mail: mdickha@gwdg.de
Phone.: (0551) 39-21265
Anthropology of Morality | Anthropology of Religion | Anthropology of the City | Cultural Spatialitiy | Theory of Modernity
Silvia Haßfeld
"Team Sekretariat" at the Department of East Asian Studies
E-mail: silvia.hassfeld@phil.uni-goettingen.de
Phone.: (0551) 39-21278
FlexNow | General Administrative Duties | EXA | Website
Dr. Dr. Dominique Hertzer
Visiting Lecturer
E-mail: dominique@zhouyi.de
Book of Changes (Yijing) | Chinese Philosophy | Daoism | Philosophical Foundations of Chinese Medicine
Hsu Yuchia
Language teaching
E-mail: yu-chia.hsu@uni-goettingen.de
Cultural Teaching | Pragmatics | Modern Chinese intellectual history
Lee Mao-hwa
Lector for Chinese
E-mail: lee.maohwa@gmail.com
foreign influence on China in culture/ language/ ideas and politics from 1845 onwards | modern Chinese linguistics | language didactics of Chinese
Prof. Dr. Li Lei
Professorship for the Economy and Politics of China
E-mail: lei.li@uni-goettingen.de
Phone.: (0551) 39-21281
Chinese economy | international trade | labor economics | political economy | environmental economics
Lu Po-Ching
Language teaching
E-mail: lu.po-ching@uni-goettingen.de
Chinese Linguistics | Pragmatics | Second Language Pedagogy
Dr. Ni Lingling
Lecturer of Chinese, Head of the language programme
E-mail: lingling.ni@phil.uni-goettingen.de
Phone.: (0551) 39-24548
Chinese language didactics | Classical Chinese
Dr. Peng Qinqin
Assistant Professor, Study Advisor BA Moderne Sinologie
E-mail: qinqin.peng@uni-goettingen.de
Phone.: (0551) 39-29206
Modern Buddhist Historiography | Religious Knowledge Transformation | Buddhism and Historical Methodology | Religion in Modern China
Katja Pessl, MA, MA
Lecturer, Coordinator CeMEAS
E-mail: katja.pessl@phil.uni-goettingen.de
Phone: (0551) 39-21280
Environmental Humanities | Higher Education | Migration
Dr. Henrike Rudolph
Assistant Professor, Study Advisor BA Modern China & MA Modern Sinology
E-mail: henrike.rudolph@uni-goettingen.de
Phone: (0551) 39-21292
history of knowledge and education | Global History | political history | historical network research | Digital Humanities
Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier
Modern China with a Special Emphasis on Global Historical Perspectives
E-mail: dsachse@gwdg.de
Phone: (0551) 39-21255
Chinese History (Late Ming to Present) | Global History | Intellectual history | Sino-European Relations
Prof. Dr. Axel Schneider
Professor, Focus on chinese History & Politics, Director of the Department of East Asian Studies and Board Director of the Centre for Modern East Asian Studies
E-mail: axel.schneider@uni-goettingen.de
Phone: (0551) 39-27033
history of historiography | modern Chinese intellectual history | theory of history | China | Taiwan
Wang Wei Chieh
Lecture in Chinese
E-mail: wei.wang@uni-goettingen.de
Phone: (0551) 39-21225
Chinese linguistics | Development of teaching material and method | Language Pedagogy
Prof. Dr. Zhang Tao
professorship for didactics in Chinese & Study Advisor CaF/ MoE
E-mail: tao.zhang@uni-goettingen.de
Phone.: (0551) 39-21260
Use of Media in Foreign Language Didactics |Cultural Mediation in Language Teaching | Global Chinese | Multilingualism
Zhu Ziyi, MA
Instructor and doctoral candidate
E-mail: ziyi.zhu@uni-goettingen.de
Phone: (0551) 39-21253
Buddhism | Modern Chinese intellectual history | Conceptual history