Dr. Bertram Lang

substitute for the Professorship for the Economy and Society of China

Dr. Bertram Lang
  • Focus
    Global China | civil society | philanthropy | digitalization | anti-corruption and governance | Europe-China relations | Anti-Korruption und Governance | Digitalisierung | EU-China-Beziehungen
  • (0551) 39-21281
  • Room
    KWZ 0.705
  • Consultation hours
    by appointment via email

Bertram Lang acts as substitute for the Professorship for the Economy and Society of China at Göttingen University during the winter semester 2023/24. He is also acting Academic Coordinator at the Interdisciplinary Centre for East Asian Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt. In his recently completed PhD dissertation, he combines ethnographic field research in China with quantitative content analysis techniques to examine the Transnational Politics of Chinese Philanthropy. Bertram’s research in the Global China field combines International Relations theories with Area Studies expertise and mixed methods approaches, with a focus on civil society and digitalization, anti-corruption as well as Europe-China relations.

Bertram studied Political Science and Chinese Studies in Freiburg (Germany), Aix-en-Provence (France), Bruges (Belgium) and at Nanjing University (China). He also gained professional experience in research and policy consulting in the field of European China policy during stints at the Delegation of the European Union in Beijing and the Mercator Institute for China Studies (Merics) in Berlin.