Jana Dreischulte

Jana Dreischulte

Since August 2023 I am working as a member of the administrative staff at the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen. At the Department of East Asian Studies I am a member of the “Team Sekretariat”. For all questions concerning the...
Yang Ching-Lan

Yang Ching-Lan

I am from Taiwan, and I am a graduate student studying Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at National Taiwan Normal University. I have a bachelor’s degree in Language and Literacy of Education at National Taichung University of Education. In 2017, I received...
Dai Guohua

Dai Guohua

Dai Guohua, MA of Chinese Language and Chinese Literature, lecturer of Beijing Foreign Studies University. Her research focuses on the specified Chinese teaching with the task-based language learning approach. Her research involves Chinese modern literature and art as...
Yang Ya-Hsuan

Yang Ya-Hsuan

I am from Taiwan. I studied Chinese Literature at Taiwan Univeristy. In 2019, I graguated with a master’s degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language also from Taiwan University. During my grauate studies, I worked as a trainee teacher at the Harvard Beijing...
Qiu Shuzhen

Qiu Shuzhen

Qiu Shuzhen was born in Fujian, China and studied Literature and Chinese Language at Minzu University of China in Beijing. Later she received her Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) at Beijing Normal University. She was a TCSOL teacher at...