Dr. Sascha Klotzbücher

Sascha Klotzbücher vertritt die Professur „Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft Chinas“ im Wintersemester 2020/21. Er studierte in Heidelberg und promovierte in Wien. Während seiner Forschungen absolvierte er Forschungs- und Studienaufenthalte an der Shanghai International...
Diao Shan, MA

Diao Shan, MA

My area of research is the transformation of concepts of time and space, as well as the process of scientification at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republican era in China. Because of my initial studies in intercultural communication, I always bring a global...
Wang Wei Chieh

Wang Wei Chieh

I am from Taiwan and I am a Lecture in Chinese at the Department of East Asian Studies since 2017. I have two bachelor’s degrees in Chinese literature and Drama & Theater at Taiwan University. In 2016, I graduated with a master’s degree in Teaching Chinese as a...
Felix Erdt, MA

Felix Erdt, MA

Since March 2017 I am working at Göttingen University as a instructor and doctoral candidate of Professor Axel Schneider at the Department of East Asian Studies with the focus on the history of modern China. My research interests include the conservatism in China at...
Katja Pessl, MA

Katja Pessl, MA

Katja Pessl joined the Department of East Asian Studies as lecturer for Chinese film in 2014. With a background in China studies, media, and film studies from Vienna University, Katja brings 6 years’ experience in China-related research, teaching and education...