Panel discussion: Xi Jinping and the Question of Power
Adam von Trott Saal Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa Wilhelmsplatz 3, GöttingenJohnny Erling & Joseph Fewsmith in Dialogue Moderator: Jürgen Trittin Since taking office in 2012, Xi Jinping has reshaped the Chinese political landscape, consolidating authority in ways not seen since Mao Zedong. His leadership has redefined governance, the role of the Communist Party, and China's position on the global stage. But how does power function […]
Lecture: Prof. Mei Li Inouye (Stanford University): Soviet Dramatic Theory on a Shanghai Stage: Stanislavski, Zhang Min, and the Shanghai Amateur Dramatist Association
Kulturwisssenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 1.601 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenSoviet Dramatic Theory on a Shanghai Stage: Stanislavski, Zhang Min, and the Shanghai Amateur Dramatist Association Time: January, 27 from 4-6 pm Venue: KWZ 1.601 Abstract: References to Stanislavski are commonplace in the historiography of Chinese socialist theater and cinema. Scholars have largely focused on translations of Stanislavski into Chinese as the starting point for […]
Lecture: Prof. Song Chen (Bucknell University): Connecting the Dots: Advancing Chinese Historical Studies through Social Network Analysis
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenIn recent years, an increasing number of scholars have actively explored how social network analysis (SNA) may advance the understanding of Chinese history and literature. These explorations have underscored the pressing need for methodological reflections and the most appropriate subjects for network analysis. Drawing on my research in the areas of prosopography and local religion, […]
Die Geschichte des Unterrichts „Chinesisch als Fremdsprache“ in Taiwan
KWZ 0.602Die Geschichte des Unterrichts „Chinesisch als Fremdsprache“ in Taiwan Referent: Dr. Chin-Hua Chu, National Taiwan University Datum und Uhrzeit: 11. Juli 2024, 16:15-17:45 Uhr Ort: KWZ 0.602 Sprache: Chinesisch-Englisch Wir laden Sie herzlich zu einem spannenden Vortrag von Dr. Chin-Hua Chu von der National Taiwan University ein. Dr. Chu wird über die Geschichte und […]
Zhang Hanwen (Artist/Filmmaker; Berlin): Defection, Exile, and Utopia: Pan-Asianist Bodies and Legacies
Emmy-Noether-Saal, Tagungs-und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa, WilhelmsplatzZhang Hanwen (Artist/Filmmaker; Berlin) Defection, Exile, and Utopia: Pan-Asianist Bodies and Legacies Emmy-Noether Saal, Wilhelmsplatz 5. July (Friday), 11:30-12:30 Abstract: The artist and filmmaker Zhang Hanwen will present his recent work, “Hostile Landscapes”, a two-channel installation film initiated in 2022, and related research. The project revolves around the true story of Jhu Hyeun-ken (朱贤健/주현건), a […]
Workshop Announcement: Asian Regionalisms in an Age of De-Globalization. Observing, Discoursing, Identifying
Emmy-Noether-Saal, Wilhelmsplatz, GöttingenWorkshop Announcement: Asian Regionalisms in an Age of De-Globalization. Observing, Discoursing, Identifying Date: July 5, 2024 Time: 09:00 - 17:00 Venue: Emmy-Noether-Saal, Wilhelmsplatz, Göttingen Organizer: Lee, Yu-Ting (National Taiwan University) We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming workshop, "Asian Regionalisms in an Age of De-Globalization. Observing, Discoursing, Identifying," hosted by the […]
Summer Workshop (Fudan University, Shanghai, China) 23.06.-02.07.2024
For further information please click here.
Lecture: “China, mein Vater und ich: Über den Aufstieg einer Supermacht und die Verbindung zur Familie Lee aus Wolfsburg”, Gewinner des deutschen Wirtschaftsbuchpreises 2023
Zentrales HörsaalgebäudeReferent: Felix Lee, Journalist & Autor Titel: "China, mein Vater und ich: Über den Aufstieg einer Supermacht und die Verbindung zur Familie Lee aus Wolfsburg", Gewinner des deutschen Wirtschaftsbuchpreises 2023 Datum und Uhrzeit: 13. Juni 2024, 11:15-12:15 Uhr Ort: ZHG (Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude) Veranstalter: Alumni der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät Für Ihre Teilnahme registrieren Sie sich bitte hier: […]
Lecture Prof. David Ownby (Université of Montréal): “A China We Can Talk To?”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenIntroduction by Dr. Harlan Chambers (Fellow, Worldmaking Project) and Comments by Prof. Lee Yu-Ting (National Taiwan University) Talk summary: For the past decade or so, in his Reading the China Dream project, David Ownby has been reading and translating the work of Chinese intellectuals who publish in China and in Chinese, not dissidents, but not […]
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Lim Jie-Hyun: “Victimhood Nationalism: Global History and Memory”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.610 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: My work “victimhood nationalism” aims to illustrate competing memories of victimhood in the postwar Vergangenheitsbewältigung in the global memory space. I try to make a critical inquiry of the global memory formation with a focus on victimhood memories. The historical space in this study is not an individual nation but an intersection of the […]
Invitation – Global China Conversations #28: Prospects of the Chinese economy: short malady or fundamental slow-down?
OnlineFor more information please click here.
CANCELLED: Robert Kramm (Munich): Staging Radical Utopian Communities in the Early 20th Century
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 3.101VG 3.101 18. Dec. (Monday), 16:15-17:45 Abstract: At the turn of the twentieth century, radical utopian communities were built all around the world. They served as retreats, but they simultaneously constituted hubs for activists, reformers, and revolutionaries to meet, share, and develop new ideas and practices of community and human existence. The project Radical Utopian […]
Online Präsentation & Diskussion, 14.12.2023: Was wäre, wenn…? Abkoppelung von China und die Kosten für Deutschland
For more information please click here.
Global China Conversations #27: Zukunft der Technologiestandards: Deutschland und China im Wettbewerb?
For more information please click here.
Fan Xin (Cambridge): Emotions as Politics: Rethinking Chinese Nationalism
Theologicum (Theol) 0.1354. Dec. (Monday), 17:15 - 18:45 Theologicum (Theol) 0.135 Abstract: The rise of history of emotions has been a recent development in historiography. In the field of Chinese studies, scholars such as Eugenia Lean, Haiyan Lee, Chen Li, and Zuo Ya have been writing about how emotions, feelings, and sentiments contributed to the formation and […]
Global China Conversations #26: The Chinese Anti-espionage Law: What Risks for Companies and the Scientific Community?
For more information please click here.
Chen Hao (Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.): A Tentative Interpretation of the Rise of Global History in China
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.101 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: Whether in a democratic or authoritarian society, it is not uncommon to explain academic currents by taking political and economic factors into consideration. However, the impetus in the intellectual realm itself shall never be disregarded. The recent development of Global History in China can be explained adequately by Chinese intellectuals’ persistent endeavor to stage […]
Opening Events – MA East Asian Studies/Modern Sinology (Meeting 2)
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.606 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenClick here to get more information.
Prof. Lung Ying-Tai (Writer): How the Wild Changed Me. A Philosophical Journey: Readings and Discussions with Lung Ying-Tai
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 002 Platz der Göttingen Sieben 5, GöttingenAbstract: Snail sex, demanding deities, a cold case - everyday life in Taiwan holds the most unbelievable stories in store. Lung Ying-Tai compiled them in her novel “Under Kavulungan.” In conversation with Dominic Sachsenmaier and Monika Li, Taiwan's most famous author explores the complex answers to this question. Philosophical young adult novel, nature writing, nativist […]
Informationsveranstaltung für alle Erstsemester in den BA-Studiengängen des OAS
KWZ 2.601/ KWZ 2.739Das Ostasiatische Seminar lädt alle Erstsemester für den 20. Oktober 2023 von 10:00-12:00 Uhr zu einer Informationsveranstaltung über unsere Bachelorstudiengänge in das Kulturwissenschaftliche Zentrum KWZ 2.601/ 2.739 ein. Da wir an diesem Tag bereits die Gruppeneinteilung für den Sprachunterricht vornehmen werden, wird die Teilnahme dringend empfohlen. Hier gelangen Sie zum Orientierungsphasen-Programm des Ostasiatischen Seminars. Hier […]
Opening Events – Ma East Asian Studies/Modern Sinology (Meeting 1)
Online (Zoom)Click here to get more information.
Global China Conversations #24 Global Gateway und die Belt and Road: Eine Nachhaltige Alternative?
For more information please click here.
CeMEAS: ENLIGHT WORKSHOP: “More than a Distant Relative: China and its Neighbours in an Increasingly Turbulent World”
Click here to get more information.
Lecture: Prof. Li Xuetao (Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)): „Examples of research methods in the history of German Sinology / 德国汉学史研究方法举隅.“
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.608The lecture will be in Chinese. Prof. Li is an expert among other topics on the history of Western China Studies and will address recent central questions of the development of China Studies in the West applying a global history perspective. Abstract: 德国汉学从一开始就不局限于某一领域,今天对它的历史梳理,也必然是在历史学、语文学、人类学、自然科学等其他学科的理论和方法的参与下进行,这同时也体现了德国汉学史研究的活力和多样性。李雪涛教授以德国汉学史为例,指出近年来汉学史研究的范式,已经从之前的“内部论”(internalist)或“谱系式”(genealogical)的历史思考方式,转变为了将汉学研究的现象、事件与进程置于“全球脉络”中予以分析,从而形成了一种真正的跨文化全球史研究。
Lecture: Ying Zhou (Xiamen University): Education and democracy in modern China
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: Institutional change in education and the cultivation of a qualified citizenry were two sides of the same coin of developing democratic education in modern China. At stake is to understand how democratic education filled a critical role in bridging the gap between democratic ideals and political realities. This lecture will focus on teachings of […]
Lecture: Dr. Sally Chengji Xing (MPI Berlin) & Lucas Brang (Cologne): Transnational Knowledge Transfers Between China, Europe, and the United States: Actors, Institutions, and Dynamics, 1924-1935
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen13. July (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Overview: The two talks of this joint session interrogate processes of knowledge transfer between China, the United States, and Europe during the 1920s and 1930s. Focusing on two distinct organizations– the China Foundation (based in Shanghai and New York) and the League of Nations (based in Geneva) […]
Yuhang Li (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Engineering Religious Bliss at the Qing Court: Jile shijie in the Beihai Park
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: In 1770, with the purpose of presenting an unusual gift to his mother Empress Dowager Chongqing (1692-1777) for her eightieth birthday, Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) ordered the imperial architectural department to construct a Buddhist compound named jile shijie or World of Utmost Pleasure on the northern shore of imperial Beihai Park next to the Forbidden […]
Lecture: Viren Murthy “Hegelian Master Narratives and Periodizing Japanese and Chinese Modernity”
Oeconomicum OEC 0.168Abstract: Scholars of Asian studies have something of a love-hate relationship with Hegel; they love to cite him as the epitome of Eurocentrism, modernization theory and the legitimation of colonialism. Despite their prevalence, such criticisms overlook both the complexities of Hegel’s philosophy and the different ways in which Asian intellectuals attempted to turn Hegel on […]
Lecture: PENG Guoxiang “Confucius as a Cosmopolitan: Thought and Practice”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.601Abstract: Based on the Analects and other texts related to Confucius in classical period and taken “cosmopolitanism,” a concept with long history in the Western tradition as a counterpart for comparison, this talk aims to probe the thought and practice of Confucius as a cosmopolitan and point out the feature and significance of the Confucian […]
Lecture: Dr. Fan Xin (Cambridge University): Before China Studies: Private Foundations and Cold War Politics in Colonial Hong Kong
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen6. July (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: The founding of the University Service Centre in Hong Kong in 1963 was a significant event in the development of China studies. Thanks to the city’s adjacency to mainland China and the Carnegie Corporation’s funding support, the Centre since its very beginning has become the “go-to” […]
Lecture: Prof. He Weihua (Central China Normal University): The Wandering Earth and China’s Construction of an Alternative Cosmopolitanism
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen22. June (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: As an epoch-making event in the history of the Chinese sci-fi film industry, The Wandering Earth boasts the extraordinary acting skills of cinema superstars and fabulous special effects. Instead of providing a description of the technical issues surrounding the film’s production, this paper looks at the […]
Global China Conversations #22 Deutsche Forschungskooperationen: Wissen Schaffen für oder mit China?
For more information please click here.
Workshop on New Civilizationisms (China-related speakers: Wang Hui, Rebecca Karl, Mohammed Alsudairi)
Historical Observatory, Geismar Landstr. 11, GöttingenOn Monday, June 26th (2.00 pm – 7.15 pm), we will have an international workshop on New Civilizationisms. The program is attached and listed below. If you wish to attend, you need to register by Friday, June 23rd: ----------------------------- HISTORICAL MEMORY AS AN ACT OF WORLDMAKING: Contextualizing New Civilizationalisms in the 21st Century June […]
Vortrag: Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Hoffmann (Universität Mainz): Vom Dichter zum Zeugen – Der Schriftsteller und Dissident Liao Yiwu
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenMittwoch, den 21. Juni 2023, 18 h c.t. KWZ 0.602 Abstract: Der Nachwuchslyriker Liao Yiwu kam nach dem 4. Juni 1989 wegen zweier Gedichte für vier Jahre ins Gefängnis, wo er sich vom Dichter zum (Zeit)Zeugen wandelte. Danach beruflich in Schwierigkeiten, begann er, in hunderten von Interviews den Außenseitern der VR-chinesischen Gesellschaft, unter ihnen die […]
Prof. Edward Qingjia Wang (Rowan University): Changing Perceptions of World Order in Chinese Historiography: Three Phases of Development
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen8. June (Thursday), 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: "Changing Perceptions of World Order in Chinese Historiography: Three Phases of Development": This talk takes a longue-durée perspective to examine and analyze the modern Chinese conception of the world from the middle of the 19th century to the present. This perception has changed significantly over the […]
Andrew Cainey (UK National Committee on China): Xiconomics, Dual Circulation Strategy and Western Business
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 003 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen5. June, 17:15 - 18:45 ZHG 003 Abstract: In Xi Jinping’s China, national security, ideology and the political priorities of the Communist Party now play a much larger role in shaping China’s economic and business environment. The context is more politicized, more uncertain. China’s state media call this ‘Xiconomics’. Xi’s Dual Circulation Strategy marks out […]
Lecture: Dr. Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (CNRS-EHESS Paris): Hybrid Maps: Reformatting the Chinese Imperial Realm According to 19th-Century Western Cartography
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 2.1031. June, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: The definition of “The Great Qing Everlasting Unified” was frequently used in titles of general maps of the imperial realm in the beginning of the 19th century. It formally distinguishes one of the most widely known and impressive group of Chinese maps, the so-called Blue Maps and […]
Lecture: Prof. Malachi Hacohen (Duke University): Antisemitism(s) – Local to Global
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 2.10325. May, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: In the aftermath of the Holocaust, Antisemitism occupies a unique place among minority hatreds, weighing on historians’ conscience and challenging historical faculties. The variety, local contexts, and divergent character of antisemitism present a major challenge for historical explanation Yet, as globalization progresses, there is a convergence toward […]
Vortrag Dr. Marc Hermann (Universität Bonn): “Marsianer und Mutanten: Chinesische Science-Fiction erobert den Planeten”
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 1.103Abstract: Der weltweite Erfolg von LIU Cixins Trisolaris-Trilogie hat der chinesischen Science-Fiction internationale Aufmerksamkeit beschert. Neben LIU als Galionsfigur haben sich auch jüngere Autoren wie CHEN Qiufan oder HAO Jingfang einen Namen gemacht. Was steckt hinter diesem Erfolg? Wie „chinesisch“ ist die chinesische Science-Fiction? Und welche unterschied-lichen Strömungen weist sie auf? Short bio: Dr. Marc […]
Dr. Hu Nan, Fudan University: Towards an Anticolonial Asian Cinema: the 1957 Asian Film Week and China’s Imagination of Asia
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen11. May, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: This talk traces the forgotten history of the Asian Film Week held by and in China in 1957. It engages with two recent discussions of cultural politics in the Cold War era. First, there is a growing interest in Sino-Asian cultural relations in the 1950s and 1960s, […]
Prof. Selcuk Esenbel (Bogazici Univ. Istanbul): Legal Transformation, Contemporary Civilization, and Sovereignty: Global Perspectives on the Quest for Modernity in Japan, China, and Turkey
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 0.1109. May (Tuesday), 16:15 - 17:45 VG 0.110 Abstract: The paper discusses some key experiences of Japan, Turkey, and China during the nineteenth century, but primarily focuses on a comparative discussion of Japan and Turkey for the twentieth century and possibly the early years of the new millennium. It will offer reflections particularly on the […]
Prof. Ho Wai Yip, Exeter University: Two Tales of the City: Conflicting Narratives on Hong Kong
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen4. May, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: As always, there are conflicting narratives on Hong Kong’s history from the British colonial period to the present comprehensive rule of the People’s Republic of China. In the early transition from British to Chinese rule in early 2000s, there were two contradictory views in explaining the economic […]
Vortrag: Dr. phil. Volker Klöpsch “Jadeschleifer, Verseschmied Das Handwerk der Dichtung im Lichte der chinesischen Literaturkritik”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenDichtung ist ein universales Phänomen. Doch entsteht sie überall unter ähnlichen Voraussetzungen? Ein genauerer Blick zeigt, dass Dichten vielfach als ein gewöhnliches Handwerk verstanden wird. Darauf verweisen Begriffe wie Verseschmied oder Jadeschleifer, Vers oder Text. Der Vortrag untersucht an einer Reihe von Beispielen, wie im Alten China ein Gedicht entstand, welche Funktion sein Verfasser in […]
线上讲座Online Lectures – 吴中伟教授 Prof. WU Zhongwei, 复旦大学 Fudan University
OnlineFor further information please clicke here.
Christian Henriot & Cecile Armand , Aix-Marseille University: Taming the Digital Dragon. Textbases, Datafication, and the Study of Modern China
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen23. Feb., 16:15 - 17:45 KWZ 0.602 Abstract: Since the mid-1990s much has been written about digital history and how the Internet and the dematerialization of historical sources are transforming the ways in which historians can muster their materials. The major shift, however, occurred when historical sources became available in full text format. This finally […]
Global China Conversations #18, 16.02.2023, Spannungen um Taiwan: Wie ist die aktuelle Situation und welche Herausforderungen ergeben sich für Unternehmen und die Wirtschaft?
OnlineFor more information please click here.
线上讲座 Online Lectures 李泉教授 Prof. LI Quan, 中国人民大学 Renmin University of China
OnlineFor further information please clicke here.
线上讲座 Online Lectures – 如何让学生爱学汉语 How to make students love learning Chinese
Online讲座要点: 如何激发学生学习动机始终是一线教师需要关注的问题,本讲座首先分析了学习者汉语学习动机的类型,动机与学习效果的关系,并在此基础上从需求分析、目标设定、发现学习、难度控制等多个角度探讨了激发学生的学习动机的方式与方法。 Key points of the lecture: The stimulation of students’ learning motivation is doubtless one of the key challenges of teachers in practice. After an analysis of different types of learning motives of Chinese learners and the relationship between motivation and learning outcomes, this lecture explores various means and methods of enhance students’ learning […]
Drama reading
LSG University of Göttingen"Mr. Big," a play based on the leading figure of modern Chinese literature, is the first attempt to visualize Lu Xun's image on the stage. The play starts with Lu Xun's death and then shows the flashback scenes of the protagonist's encounters with the people he was most concerned about during his lifetime. The play […]
Global China Conversations #17 Ideology First, Economy Second? What Challenges do European Companies Face in China?
OnlineHere you get more information.
Vortrag Francois Gipoloux, CNRS Paris: The paradox of Wealthy Merchants and Weak Capital Accumulation in Late Imperial China
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenTuesday, January 24, 18:15 – 19:45 KWZ 0.607 Abstract: This presentation proposes another interpretation of the Europe/China divergence, based on a redefinition of capitalism in much broader terms than its mere reduction to the industrial revolution. It recalls the reasons why Chinese merchant networks did not formalize autonomous institutions, in order to confer a perennial […]
Lecture: The Art of Audience Participation in Applied Theatre
OnlineThe Art of Audience Participation in Applied Theatre Speaker: Estella WONG, Associate Professor and the Head of Applied Theatre in the School of Drama, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Date: Thursday, Jan 19, 2023, 13:00 PM CET Zoom Link: Language: English More Information:
„Contemporary Theater Arts“ Seminar Series No. 14
OnlineThe Department of East Asian Studies (the University of Göttignen) and the Department of Theatre, Film and TV Arts (Nanjing University) jointly host the “Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series. It is open to anyone interested in the Asian theatre. Topic: Draft Theatre: the Assembly Line Theatre Production Speaker: ZHAO Chuan, author, art critic, independent theatre […]
“Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series No. 13
OnlineFor further information please click here.
Global China Conversations #14: Compliance in China zwischen Sozialpunkten und wachsender Regulierung: Welche Herausforderungen stellen sich für Unternehmen?
OnlineFor further information please click here.
Sophia Kidd : Ontology of Self in Translating China’s New Silk Roads
KWZ 0.609Sophia Kidd Title: Ontology of Self in Translating China's New Silk Roads KWZ 0.609 Abstract: In this lecture, I discuss how the ontological unit of 'self' cannot be taken for granted when discussing narratives, translation of, and methodology for understanding China's New Silk Roads. I will do this by analyzing how the ontology of self […]
Information event for all first semester students in the Master Modern Sinology
KWZ 0.602The Department of East Asian Studies invites all first semester students to an information event on October 21, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The meeting takes place in room KWZ 0.602. Here you get to the orientation phase program of the Department of East Asian Studies. Here you can find the course overview […]
Informationsveranstaltung für alle Erstsemester in den BA-Studiengängen des OAS
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenDas Ostasiatische Seminar lädt alle Erstsemester für den 21. Oktober 2022 von 10:00-12:00 Uhr zu einer Informationsveranstaltung über unsere Bachelorstudiengänge in das Kulturwissenschaftliche Zentrum KWZ 0.602 ein. Da wir an diesem Tag bereits die Gruppeneinteilung für den Sprachunterricht vornehmen werden, wird die Teilnahme dringend empfohlen. Hier gelangen Sie zum Orientierungsphasen-Programm des Ostasiatischen Seminars.
ABGESAGT: Veranstaltung für Studierende: 07.10.2022 Praxisbezogene Chinakompetenz
VG 1.101Nach zwei Jahren Pandemie eine einmalige Möglichkeit, Arbeitswelten, Berufseinstieg und Kompetenzen für den chinesischen Arbeitsmarkt kennen zu lernen und zu diskutieren! Zeit: 07.10.2022, 10:00 Ort: VG 1.101 Herr Wolfgang Krieger vom BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie) in Peking wird einen kurzen Vortrag halten und dann für ein Q&A zur Verfügung stehen. Wolfgang Krieger ist Deputy […]
Workshop: Islamic Pasts and Futures in East Asia’s Worldmaking
Historische Sternwarte, University of Göttingen Geismar Landstraße 11, GöttingenSeptember 23, Friday 11:00 - 11:20 Opening and Introduction • Dominic Sachsenmaier (University of Göttingen) • Janice Hyeju Jeong (University of Göttingen) • Mohammad Alsudairi (King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies) 11:30 - 14:00 Panel I. Visions and Instrumentalizations of Islam in Asia: Historical Trajectories Chair: Janice Hyeju Jeong (University of Göttingen) • […]
Arab-Chinese Entanglements in the Age of Global Empires
ZHG 104 or ZoomSpeaker: Wen Shuang (New York University of Shanghai) This talk narrates four little-known stories of Arab-Chinese entanglement in the age of trans-imperial collaboration and competition in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Although much attention is paid to China's relationships with the Middle East today, I argue that this relationship did not emerge out […]
Hun 魂 and Po 魄: An ancient Chinese approach to human psyche and soul
KWZ 0.701 or ZoomDr. Dr. Dominique Hertzer Visiting Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Göttingen July 13, 2022, 10:00 AM On Campus: KWZ 0.701 Conference Room (University of Göttingen, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For online participation, please use this zoom link. Is there only one soul? What is the relation between body and mind […]
The World of Everyday Political Thought: A Transcultural History of a ‘Chinese’ Rhetorical Curriculum, ca. 1200-1600
Waldweg 1.201 or ZoomSpeaker: Shoufu Yi (University of British Columbia) On Campus: Hörsaal 1.201, Waldweg On Zoom: The digital participation at this event is open to everyone who registers prior to the event: Registration This talk has two goals. First, it develops a new approach to the studies of political theory and philosophy, one that I call everyday […]
Lecture Wang Hui (Professor of History, Tsinghua University): Heavenly Principle and the Trends of the Times: Some Thoughts on Confucianism
OnlineJuly 08, 2022, 10:00 AM (GMT +2) in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. Between the 1920s and the 1940s, first Naitō Torajirō and then Miyazaki Ichisada introduced several important propositions regarding the Tang to Song transition, capitalism during the Song Dynasty, and East Asian early modernity. […]
Lecture (Eugenio Menegon, Associate Professor of History, Boston University): Empire of Paper. Missionaries, Diplomats, and Early Sinologists as Social Carriers of Translingual Practices and Worldviews, through the Story of a Manuscript Vocabulary between Beijing and Rome, 1760s-1820s
VG 3.103July 07, 2022, 18:00 (GMT +2) in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Campus: VG 3.103 (University of Göttingen, Verfügungsgebäude, Platz der Göttinger 7, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. Dictionaries compiled in the last phase of the manuscript age (late 16th to early 19th century) acted as metaphorical soldiers […]
Nationalism in China and Europe: Global Divergence and Convergence of an Idea
Oeconomicum OEC 0.169Nationalism as a concept is often considered to be rooted in European experience. However, the introduction, translation, and appropriation of nationalism have also changed the course of history in East Asia. On this panel, Stefan Berger and Xin Fan contrast and compare the role of nationalism in the making and unmaking of modern China and […]
Lecture: Modernity without Alienation: New Possibilities for 20th century Chinese Buddhism, Eyal Aviv Assistant Professor of Religion, Department of Religion, George Washington University
KWZ 0.606 or ZoomJuly 01, 2022, 12:00 PM (GMT +2) in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Campus: KWZ 0.606 (University of Göttingen, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. Intellectuals, such as Nietzsche, Weber, and Adorno, described modernity as a period of alienation resulting from the collapse of pre-modern social and […]
Lecture: What is to be Done? Literature and History in China’s Revolutionary Twentieth-Century, Rebecca Karl Professor of History, New York University
KWZ 0.607 or ZoomJune 24, 2022, 10:00 AM On Campus: KWZ 0.607 (University of Göttingen, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. This talk will address the problem of literary and historical narrative in China’s twentieth century. Revolutionary time is a particular kind of time, requiring different kinds of narrative. In an […]
Lecture: Prof Liu Kang (Duke University): Social Sciences, Humanities and Liberal Arts: China and the West
KWZ 0.609Location: KWZ 0.609 Abstract: The talk traces the genealogy of modern European modes of knowledge under the rubrics of ‘liberal arts’, as the origin and basis for modern China’s institutions and modes of knowledge, and then examines China’s ‘liberal arts’ as institution and modes of knowledge from the early years of the twentieth century to […]
Lecture: Chinese Intellectuals’ Rethinking of Science, Religion and Superstition in the 20th Century: From Yan Fu, Liang Qichao to New Confucians Huang Ko-Wu 黃克武, Academia Sinica
OnlineJune 17, 2022, 10:100 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. Late Qing and early Republican China has been regarded as a “secularized” age that ended “the era of classical learning” and opened the door to an empirical, scientific search for knowledge. With the progress of secularization, […]
Lecture.: The Creativeness of Modern Chinese Conservative Thinkers 王汎森: 近代保守思想家的創造性 Wang Fansen Academia Sinica
OnlineJune 10, 2022, 10:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. The lecture will be held in Chinese. 近代中國保守思想家中至少可以區分成兩類,第一類是本能地反對任何改變現狀的思想,第二類是回到一個重要的思想基盤(如宋明理學、大乘佛學)上戰鬥。在這次演講中,我想討論第二類思想家,以宋育仁(1859-1931)、熊十力(1885-1968)、唐文治(1865-1954)、劉咸炘(1896-1932)、錢穆(1895-1990)等人為例,討論一個思想史上的問題:當晚清以來的新派一直在變的時候,反對或批評他們的人,其實也一直在變換他們的言論,同時也變換他們對傳統的解釋,以便對應挑戰。 此外,我在比較仔細地審視他們的思路之後,認為他們不只是「回到本來」的樣子,而是有一個微妙的新創過程。譬如他們有時候會用「提高一格法」,把儒家思想,尤其是宋明理學,作一種新的調整、詮釋。借用卡夫卡的話:「當你凝視深淵時,深淵也在凝視你」。 This lecture is part of the lecture series New Perspectives on Modernity in China. Organizers: Prof. Dr. Axel Schneider, University of Göttingen Prof. Dr. Thomas Fröhlich, University […]
Lecture: Ong Chang Woei on “Building a New Chinese State from the Northwest: The Proposal of Liu Guangfen (1843-1903)”
Online (Zoom)On Zoom: For registration (required), please use this Zoom link. Abstract: At the beginning of his book Origins of the Modern Chinese State, Kuhn asks, “What is Chinese about China’s modern state?” The answer, Kuhn explains, is not to be found by supposing that there are some distinctive cultural qualities that will ensure that “China […]
Global Conflicts, Global Collaboration: China in a Changing World Order
Universität Göttingen und OnlineThis conference is organized by a Joint Center of Advanced Studies entitled "Worldmaking from Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China." Funded by the Federal Ministry of Educa-tion and Research (BMBF) since November 2020, the Joint Center is characterized by its highly integrated network system. It brings together scholarly teams from Freie Universität Berlin, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, […]
Lecture: Understanding the Alienated Self: The Interest in and Problematization of the Village in the Post May-Fourth Period 认识被化外的自我:后五四时期对乡村的关注和农村的问题化 Luo Zhitian 罗志田 (Distinguished Professor), History Department, Sichuan University
OnlineMay 27, 2022, 10:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. The lecture will be held in Chinese. 乡村曾被视为中国社会与文化的基础,在近代改称“农村”后,逐渐被认为出了问题。农村怎样成为“问题”及其所成的“问题”本身,既伴随着中国现代性展开的进程,也因其间的“现代”眼光所生成。这背后的一个要因,是城市的兴起和城乡的对立。由于城市被视为国家的主体,原来作为广土众民代表的乡村逐渐沦为化外,不复能表述自己。在五四后出现一种读书人想要了解自己国家的倾向,先是开始关注已近于未知的农村,观感褒贬参半;接着是被关注者逐渐问题化,见解贬多于褒;最后是问题化的农村升级为“破产”或“崩溃”,表述以贬为主。其间一个重要特点,是一些人因缺乏了解而把常态看成变态,甚至把国家整体的危难移植到农村身上。 This lecture is part of the lecture series New Perspectives on Modernity in China. . Organizers: Prof. Dr. Axel Schneider, University of Göttingen Prof. Dr. Thomas Fröhlich, University […]
Contemporary Theater Art” Seminar series No. 12: “Writing a Play Script and Teaching How to Write One”
OnlineTopic: Writing a Play Script and Teaching How to Write One Speaker: Guy Chenzi Time: Wednesday, May 25, 2: 00 PM Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 628 6141 6226 Language: Chinese Content: 1. Can we “learn” how to write a play? What are the pros and cons of playwriting “apprenticeships”? 2. Can we “teach” how […]
Lecture Viren Murthy, Associate Professor of History (University of Wisconsin-Madison): Conservative Radicalism: Watsuji Tetsuro’s Critique of Civil Society and Its Implications for Chinese Intellectual History
KWZ 0.610 sowie OnlineMay 20, 2022, 12:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Campus: KWZ 0.610 (University of Göttingen, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. Since the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as the Meiji state quickly modernized, Japanese intellectuals confronted the atomization and alienation associated with new forms […]
Lecture Justin Ritzinger, Associate Professor of Religious Studies (University of Miami): Push and Pull: Toward a Taylorian Theory of Alternative Modernities
OnlineMay 6, 2022, 4 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. Religion occupies a vexed position in many visions of modernity. It stands as the embodiment of “tradition,” of the nonmodern, of the irrational. It is thus presumed to be condemned to a shrinking sphere of social […]
“Contemporary Theater Art” Seminar Series
OnlineMs. ZHU Yi, a New York-based bilingual playwright, is to give a talk on "Writing New Plays in China and the US" on April 20th. Zoom Link: Professor Xiaomei CHEN from the University of California, Davis, will present a talk about "Performing the Socialist State" on May 4th. Zoom Link: For more information […]
“Contemporary Theater Art” Seminar Series No. 10
OnlineTopic: Performing the Socialist State Speaker: Prof. Xiaomei Chen Time: May 4, Wednesday, Europe 4:00 PM, California 7:00 AM, Beijing10:00 PM Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 959 6690 4122 Language: English Organizer: The Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen The Department of Theater, Film and TV Arts at Nanjing University Partner: […]
Lecture Rebecca Nedostup, Associate Professor of History & East Asian Studies (Brown University): Is Modern Chinese History Secular?
OnlineApril 29, 2022, 4 PM, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Zoom: For registration, please use this Zoom link. This lecture takes up the most fundamental construction of secularization – the separation of the religious realm from that of politics, philosophy, science, economics, and so on – and asks not simply how it has influenced […]
Global China Conversations #9: Diskussionsreihe mitorganisiert durch das CeMEAS – Centre for Modern East Asian Studies
OnlineSprecherinnen Prof. Dr. Doris Fischer, Universität Würzburg Veronique Dunai, IHK Frankfurt am Main Dystopie eines autoritären Überwachungsstaats oder moderne Vision datenbasierter Regierungsführung? Das chinesische Sozialkreditsystem hat seit seiner offiziellen Ankündigung im Jahr 2014 für zahlreiche kontroverse Debatten gesorgt. Was genau jedoch ist das neue Bonitätssystem und wie wirkt es sich auf die chinesische Wirtschaft und […]
Lecture Kai Vogelsang (Universität Hamburg): China’s Fragmented Modernity
KWZ 0.610 sowie OnlineApril 22, 2022, 12:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Campus: KWZ 0.610 (Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. When modern concepts and institutions entered China in the early 20th century, they met a society which was quite unlike its European and American counterparts. While functional differentiation, […]
“Contemporary Theater Art” Seminar Series
Ms. ZHU Yi, a New York-based bilingual playwright, is to give a talk on "Writing New Plays in China and the US" on April 20th. Zoom Link: Professor Xiaomei CHEN from the University of California, Davis, will present a talk about "Performing the Socialist State" on May 4th. Zoom Link: For more information […]
Waiting for Testing: Rewriting Theater History – A Workshop by Tian Gebing and WANG Yanan
VG 3.104, the University of Göttingen Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenWe are very honored to invite Director TIAN Gebing and Choreographer WANG Yanan. They will host the workshop at the University of Göttingen on April 13 and 14. Amid the commonly experienced disorientation in this game-changing crisis, the workshop “Waiting for Testing – Rewriting Theatre History” proposes to hold a discussion on the history of […]
“Contemporary Theater Art” Seminar Series No. 9: “Comedies in contemporary Chinese theatre – a sudden boom”
OnlineSpeaker: Sabine Heymann, Dr. Anna Stecher Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 979 9629 7643 Language: English Organizer: The Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen The Department of Theater, Film and TV Arts at Nanjing University Partner: The Center for Modern East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen The Academic Confucius […]
线上讲座 – Online-Lecture: 文化点的选取与教学 – Selection and Teaching of Cultural Aspects
Online讲座要点 语言的教与学离不开文化的教与学,这已成为共识。但是在没有一部“文化大纲”的情况下教师如何开展文化教学,却始终是众说纷纭。其实,这一问题的解决需要更多依靠一线教师的探索和实践,相互交流尤为重要。本次讲座主要围绕两个问题与各位同行进行讨论: 如何确定中文教学中的“文化点”? 语言教学中的文化因素 代表性的文化符号 如何进行“文化点”的教学? “文化三角形”的拓展运用 Key points of the lecture There is general consensus that the teaching and learning of language cannot be separated from the teaching and learning of culture. However, there is much dispute on how teachers should carry out cultural teaching, if there is no “cultural curriculum”. The answer to […]
Global China Conversations #7: How do investment screenings affect (Chinese) direct investment?
OnlineFor more information please click here.
Lecture: Xu Jilin (East China Normal University): “Maruyama Masao’s Research on Intellectual History as seen by Chinese scholars”
OnlineFor registration, please use this zoom link. Abstract: Maruyama Masao is the most influential post-war Japanese intellectual historian. He transcends the dichotomy between Eastern and Western thought, uncovering the “insistent bass” in the “ancient layers” of Japanese thought and examining how it has recreated the universality of modern Japanese thought. He views the study of […]
Lecture: Federico Brusadelli (University of Naples “L’Orientale”): Self-government (zizhi) in China from the late Qing to the Republic: a contested concept in the search for political modernity
OnlinePlease register in advance: Abstract This talk will look at how the concept of zizhi 自治 (self-government) was (re) articulated in late imperial and early republican China (1898-1928), either to strengthen and “modernize” the Manchu Empire or to build federal/republican counternarratives to the traditional system. From the late Qing official Huang Zunxian 黄遵宪 (who […]
Lecture: Chinese Studies under the Eyes of the Communist Party?
OnlineThis lecture is part of the lecture series “TALK TO OUR AUTHORS“, organised by the Journal der European Association of Chinese Studies Authors: Olga Lomová, Charles University, Prague, Czechia Andreas Fulda, University of Nottingham, UK Introduced and moderated by: Sascha Klotzbücher, University of Göttingen, Germany/University of Vienna, Austria Join the discussion on Zoom: Meeting ID: […]
“Contemporary Theater Art” Seminar Series No. 8
OnlineTopic: Play and Performance of Hometown: A Talk on College Theater Production Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. GAO Ziwen Time: Jan. 12, Wednesday, 1:00 PM-2:30 PM CET Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 96138078236 Language: Chinese with English interpretation Lecture Content 1. To introduce the production background of Hometown 2. To describe the production process and market […]
Online-Lecture: Dr. Benjamin Creutzfeldt (Göttingen University): “China in Latin America – Some Observations“
OnlineDr. Benjamin Creutzfeldt is a Lecturer at the Department of East Asian Studies. -He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at SAIS Foreign Policy Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and a Resident Fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC. He obtained his Ph.D. in Political Studies from Externado University in Colombia, and is also a historian of […]
Lecture: Peter Zarrow (Department of History, University of Connecticut, Hartford, USA): The Utopian Impulse and Chinese Political Modernity
OnlinePlease register in advance: This paper discusses the role played by utopian “moves” that were made by political thinkers in the late Qing and Republican periods to build a new more or less democratic and socialist nation. An analysis of four case studies—Kang Youwei, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Duxiu, and Hu Shi—reveals distinct but overlapping […]
Workshop: “Africa in Shifting Global Contexts: The Roles of China and the EU”
OnlineWednesday, December 15th, 2021 08:30-10:00 GMT: The Belt and Road Initiative in Africa: Problems and Opportunities Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 838 7502 2790 Chair: Dr. Janice Jeong (Göttingen University, Germany) 1. Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel, Germany) China’s Overseas Lending 2. Professor Liu Haifang (Peking University, China) One Belt One […]
Workshop: “Africa in Shifting Global Contexts: The Roles of China and the EU”
OnlineTuesday, December 14th, 2021 08:15-08:30 GMT: Welcome Dr. Mengshu Zhan (Göttingen University, Germany) Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier (Göttingen University, Germany) 08:30-10:00 GMT: Chinese and European Soft Power in Africa: Confrontational Pathways? Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 852 3412 8312 Chair: Prof. Dominic Sachsenmaier (Göttingen University, Germany) 1. Prof. David Mills (Oxford University), Dr Natasha […]
Online-Lecture: Prof. Cao Yin (Tsinghua University): “India-China Connections from Subaltern Perspectives”
OnlineAbstract: The history of India-China connections has long been explored from elite perspectives (religious, intellectual, and political), while few have ever paid attention to how ordinary Indians and Chinese interacted and how their lives were connected. This talk will focus on cases in the first half of the twentieth century, including the experiences of Sikh […]
“Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series No. 7: Chan Kwok Wai Bernice: “Illustrating the Stage of Hong Kong for Audiences of the Present and the Future – My Creative Journey as a Curator of the Exhibition “A Snap beyond Borders””
Online“Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series No. 7 Illustrating the Stage of Hong Kong for Audiences of the Present and the Future - My Creative Journey as a Curator of the Exhibition "A Snap beyond Borders" Speaker: Chan Kwok Wai Bernice Language: English Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 964 2065 8426 Passcode: 339948 Bio: Chan Kwok […]
Alessandro Rippa (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): “Borderland Infrastructures: Trade, Development, and Control in Western China”
OnlineABSTRACT: Across the Chinese borderlands, investments in large-scale transnational infrastructure such as roads and special economic zones have increased exponentially over the past two decades. Based on long-term ethnographic research, Borderland Infrastructures addresses a major contradiction at the heart of this fast-paced development: small-scale traders have lost their historic strategic advantages under the growth of […]
Lecture: Leigh Jenco (Professor of Political Theory, London School of Economics, Department of Government): The Ming-Qing Transition as a Philosophical Problem
OnlinePlease register in advance: Abstract: The transition from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty was not experienced as a sharp break for those who lived through it, but it has come to stand in the minds of later Chinese literati as nothing less than an existential crisis for Chinese identity—both driving and driven […]
Dr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi (Hong Kong University): “Yellow Peril with a Dash of Green?: Global Fantasies on an Islamized China at the Turn of the Twentieth Century”
OnlineBio: Mohammed Al-Sudairi is a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences and is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Asian Studies Unit at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies. He obtained his PhD in Comparative Politics from the University of Hong Kong, his master's […]
China Platform: Taiwan Lecture Café Series 2021
OnlineWednesday 27 October Liao Hsien-hao (National Taiwan University) “Taiwan at the crossroads: Between Central Kingdom and Seafaring Pirates” Wednesday 3 November Yeh Kuo-chün (National Taiwan University) “Did China’s soft power seduction lure Taiwan’s youth? Preliminary evidence for employment and entrepreneurship” Wednesday 10 November Lee Yu-Ting (National Taiwan University) “Problems of East Asian Historical Narrative: Compared […]
汉语教学培训 线上讲座 Chinesischlehrerfortbildung – Online-Veranstaltung
Online汉语教学中的差异化教学 Differenzierung im Chinesischunterricht 培训 内容: • 差异化教学及其理论基础:多元智能理论与布鲁姆教育目标分类 • 华裔学习者与非华裔学习者、汉语传承语教学( Heritage Language Teaching )与传统的外语教学( Foreign Language Teaching )的异同 • 成人汉语教学中的差异化教学设计和案例 • 儿童汉语教学中的差异化教学设计和案例。 Inhalt: • Differenzierung im Unterricht und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen: Multifaktorielle Intelligenztheorien und Blooms Taxonomie der Lernziele; • Unterschiede im Spracherwerb zwischen chinesischstämmigen und nicht chinesischstämmigen Lernenden, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Herkunftsprachenunterricht (Heritage Language […]
Prof. Im Chong Myong (Chonnam National University): “The Amorphousness of Post-War and Post-Colonial South Korea and its Regional Contexts”
OnlineAbstract: The talk deals with the effects of World War Two on East Asia and Korea, and in this context it deals with issues like the re-construction of Western modernism and the inauguration of the nation-states system in the region. The talk also discusses the amorphousness of post-colonial South Korea where, in many respects, modern […]
Lecture: Peng Guoxiang (Zhejiang University): The Understanding and Practice of “Five Religions” in Early 20th Century China. The Works and Views of Feng Bingnan (1888-1956)
OnlinePlease register in advance: Abstract: The so-called “sanjiao 三教 tradition (three teachings/religions)” that includes Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism has conventionally been considered as the “Chinese religion” in Chinese history. In addition to the “sanjiao,” however, Christianity and Islam were introduced to China pretty early and also became integral parts of the Chinese religious tradition. […]
CeMEAS: Lecture Series: “New Perspectives on Modernity in China”
OnlineSince the nineteenth century, China is offering perspectives on modernity that are often unexpected and therefore challenge Western assumptions about the nature of modernity. In this lecture series, we will look at Chinese history, philosophy, religion, politics etc. presenting current research that is addressing unsettling questions triggered by these developments. . Nov 12, 2021 The […]
Online-Lecture: Prof. Elizabeth Kaske (Leipzig): “Late Qing Perceptions of Risk and Fortune: Plotting Careers in an Age of Anxiety”
OnlineAbstract: One aspect that strikes observers of nineteenth-century China is the apparent lack of panic in the face of foreign aggression among Qing officials. Max Weber, an avid reader of Peking Gazette translations and the English-language press of coastal China, identified the precarity of status and income—rather than Confucian conservatism—as the main impediment to reform. […]
Online-Lecture: Prof. Edward Wang (Rowan University & Peking University): “Potato vs. Sweet Potato in Making the Modern World: A Discussion of Oceanic and Plant History in Historiography.”
Online (Zoom)Abstract: Both oceanic history and plant history are recent developments in historiography. This talk will discuss how the two schools enhance the study of global history and reshape our views about the making of the modern world. As a continual effort to critique the nation-state focus in 19th century historiography, which began with the French […]
Online-Lecture: Frau Prof. Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (Universität Wien): „Das Jahr 1943: Die Alliierten entscheiden über die Zukunft von Österreich und Taiwan“
OnlineAbstract: Im Jahr 1943 fanden zwei Konferenzen statt, die über die Nachkriegssituation von Taiwan und Österreich entscheiden sollten: Vom 19. Oktober bis 1. November 1943 fand die Konferenz von Moskau statt, auf der durch die Außenminister der USA, der SU und Großbritanniens die Wiederherstellung des Staates Österreich beschlossen wurde. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Österreich „das […]