Workshop: “Africa in Shifting Global Contexts: The Roles of China and the EU”
OnlineWednesday, December 15th, 2021 08:30-10:00 GMT: The Belt and Road Initiative in Africa: Problems and Opportunities Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 838 7502 2790 Chair: Dr. Janice Jeong (Göttingen University, Germany) 1. Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel, Germany) China’s Overseas Lending 2. Professor Liu Haifang (Peking University, China) One Belt One […]
Workshop: “Africa in Shifting Global Contexts: The Roles of China and the EU”
OnlineTuesday, December 14th, 2021 08:15-08:30 GMT: Welcome Dr. Mengshu Zhan (Göttingen University, Germany) Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier (Göttingen University, Germany) 08:30-10:00 GMT: Chinese and European Soft Power in Africa: Confrontational Pathways? Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 852 3412 8312 Chair: Prof. Dominic Sachsenmaier (Göttingen University, Germany) 1. Prof. David Mills (Oxford University), Dr Natasha […]
Online-Lecture: Prof. Cao Yin (Tsinghua University): “India-China Connections from Subaltern Perspectives”
OnlineAbstract: The history of India-China connections has long been explored from elite perspectives (religious, intellectual, and political), while few have ever paid attention to how ordinary Indians and Chinese interacted and how their lives were connected. This talk will focus on cases in the first half of the twentieth century, including the experiences of Sikh […]
“Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series No. 7: Chan Kwok Wai Bernice: “Illustrating the Stage of Hong Kong for Audiences of the Present and the Future – My Creative Journey as a Curator of the Exhibition “A Snap beyond Borders””
Online“Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series No. 7 Illustrating the Stage of Hong Kong for Audiences of the Present and the Future - My Creative Journey as a Curator of the Exhibition "A Snap beyond Borders" Speaker: Chan Kwok Wai Bernice Language: English Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 964 2065 8426 Passcode: 339948 Bio: Chan Kwok […]
Alessandro Rippa (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): “Borderland Infrastructures: Trade, Development, and Control in Western China”
OnlineABSTRACT: Across the Chinese borderlands, investments in large-scale transnational infrastructure such as roads and special economic zones have increased exponentially over the past two decades. Based on long-term ethnographic research, Borderland Infrastructures addresses a major contradiction at the heart of this fast-paced development: small-scale traders have lost their historic strategic advantages under the growth of […]
Lecture: Leigh Jenco (Professor of Political Theory, London School of Economics, Department of Government): The Ming-Qing Transition as a Philosophical Problem
OnlinePlease register in advance: Abstract: The transition from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty was not experienced as a sharp break for those who lived through it, but it has come to stand in the minds of later Chinese literati as nothing less than an existential crisis for Chinese identity—both driving and driven […]
Dr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi (Hong Kong University): “Yellow Peril with a Dash of Green?: Global Fantasies on an Islamized China at the Turn of the Twentieth Century”
OnlineBio: Mohammed Al-Sudairi is a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences and is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Asian Studies Unit at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies. He obtained his PhD in Comparative Politics from the University of Hong Kong, his master's […]
China Platform: Taiwan Lecture Café Series 2021
OnlineWednesday 27 October Liao Hsien-hao (National Taiwan University) “Taiwan at the crossroads: Between Central Kingdom and Seafaring Pirates” Wednesday 3 November Yeh Kuo-chün (National Taiwan University) “Did China’s soft power seduction lure Taiwan’s youth? Preliminary evidence for employment and entrepreneurship” Wednesday 10 November Lee Yu-Ting (National Taiwan University) “Problems of East Asian Historical Narrative: Compared […]
汉语教学培训 线上讲座 Chinesischlehrerfortbildung – Online-Veranstaltung
Online汉语教学中的差异化教学 Differenzierung im Chinesischunterricht 培训 内容: • 差异化教学及其理论基础:多元智能理论与布鲁姆教育目标分类 • 华裔学习者与非华裔学习者、汉语传承语教学( Heritage Language Teaching )与传统的外语教学( Foreign Language Teaching )的异同 • 成人汉语教学中的差异化教学设计和案例 • 儿童汉语教学中的差异化教学设计和案例。 Inhalt: • Differenzierung im Unterricht und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen: Multifaktorielle Intelligenztheorien und Blooms Taxonomie der Lernziele; • Unterschiede im Spracherwerb zwischen chinesischstämmigen und nicht chinesischstämmigen Lernenden, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Herkunftsprachenunterricht (Heritage Language […]
Prof. Im Chong Myong (Chonnam National University): “The Amorphousness of Post-War and Post-Colonial South Korea and its Regional Contexts”
OnlineAbstract: The talk deals with the effects of World War Two on East Asia and Korea, and in this context it deals with issues like the re-construction of Western modernism and the inauguration of the nation-states system in the region. The talk also discusses the amorphousness of post-colonial South Korea where, in many respects, modern […]
Lecture: Peng Guoxiang (Zhejiang University): The Understanding and Practice of “Five Religions” in Early 20th Century China. The Works and Views of Feng Bingnan (1888-1956)
OnlinePlease register in advance: Abstract: The so-called “sanjiao 三教 tradition (three teachings/religions)” that includes Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism has conventionally been considered as the “Chinese religion” in Chinese history. In addition to the “sanjiao,” however, Christianity and Islam were introduced to China pretty early and also became integral parts of the Chinese religious tradition. […]
CeMEAS: Lecture Series: “New Perspectives on Modernity in China”
OnlineSince the nineteenth century, China is offering perspectives on modernity that are often unexpected and therefore challenge Western assumptions about the nature of modernity. In this lecture series, we will look at Chinese history, philosophy, religion, politics etc. presenting current research that is addressing unsettling questions triggered by these developments. . Nov 12, 2021 The […]
Online-Lecture: Prof. Elizabeth Kaske (Leipzig): “Late Qing Perceptions of Risk and Fortune: Plotting Careers in an Age of Anxiety”
OnlineAbstract: One aspect that strikes observers of nineteenth-century China is the apparent lack of panic in the face of foreign aggression among Qing officials. Max Weber, an avid reader of Peking Gazette translations and the English-language press of coastal China, identified the precarity of status and income—rather than Confucian conservatism—as the main impediment to reform. […]
Online-Lecture: Prof. Edward Wang (Rowan University & Peking University): “Potato vs. Sweet Potato in Making the Modern World: A Discussion of Oceanic and Plant History in Historiography.”
Online (Zoom)Abstract: Both oceanic history and plant history are recent developments in historiography. This talk will discuss how the two schools enhance the study of global history and reshape our views about the making of the modern world. As a continual effort to critique the nation-state focus in 19th century historiography, which began with the French […]
Online-Lecture: Frau Prof. Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (Universität Wien): „Das Jahr 1943: Die Alliierten entscheiden über die Zukunft von Österreich und Taiwan“
OnlineAbstract: Im Jahr 1943 fanden zwei Konferenzen statt, die über die Nachkriegssituation von Taiwan und Österreich entscheiden sollten: Vom 19. Oktober bis 1. November 1943 fand die Konferenz von Moskau statt, auf der durch die Außenminister der USA, der SU und Großbritanniens die Wiederherstellung des Staates Österreich beschlossen wurde. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Österreich „das […]
online discussion forum: Making Chinese Foreign Aid Transparent – What is Hidden in Data and Policy Documents?
OnlineSince the turn of the millennium, China has provided record amounts of development aid and other types of development finance to countries around the globe. However, its grant-giving and lending activities remain intransparent. This is not least due to the institutional complexity of China’s system of foreign aid and the absence of comprehensive reporting systems […]
China Platform: Taiwan Lecture Café Series 2021
OnlineWednesday 27 October Liao Hsien-hao (National Taiwan University) “Taiwan at the crossroads: Between Central Kingdom and Seafaring Pirates” Wednesday 3 November Yeh Kuo-chün (National Taiwan University) “Did China’s soft power seduction lure Taiwan’s youth? Preliminary evidence for employment and entrepreneurship” Wednesday 10 November Lee Yu-Ting (National Taiwan University) “Problems of East Asian Historical Narrative: Compared […]
Global Visions of Place and Belonging: Sojourners from China and the Arab World Dr. Janice Jeong (Göttingen) & Dr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi (Hong Kong University)
Online (Zoom)The talks by Dr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi and Dr. Janice Hyeju Jeong will discuss sojourners who traversed between China and the Arab world at pivotal moments in the twentieth century, who interpreted the destinations of their travels as the center of their spiritual or revolutionary worlds. They will each position Maoist China and Mecca under pre-1970s […]
Lecture: Maritime Security and Strategic Implications in the South China Sea (Dr. Sarah Kirchberger)
Online (Zoom)Dr. Sarah Kirchberger Leiterin der Abteilung Strategische Entwicklung in Asien-Pazifik am Institut für Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Kiel Zoom-Link:
Lecture: “The Inter-State Order of Post-Tang East Asia” by Nicolas Tackett (Berkeley)
Online (Zoom)This lecture is presented within the framework of the Joint Center for Advanced Studies project "Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China" as part of the project “Conceptions of World Order and Their Social Carrier Groups”. Abstract: Whereas a few decades ago, the pre-twentieth century "Chinese World Order" was typically treated as unchanging […]
汉语教学培训 线上 讲座 – Chinesischlehrerfortbildung Online Veranstaltung
Online (Zoom)汉语作为外语 阅读技能的培养 — 从汉语综合课阅读教学入手 Erwerb der Lesekompetenz für Chinesisch als Fremdsprache — Einführung in die Vermittlung der Lesekompetenz im Allgemeinen Chinesischunterricht 讲座要点 Informationen: 讲座内容: 剖析汉语语言特点,帮助学习者提升汉语阅读理解能力; 分析汉语书面语特点,结合教学法进行阅读课教学设计; 以初级、准中级水平阅读教材为案例,互动交流、准备教案。 讲座形式:两次课程,教师讲解、互动讨论、微格教学。 讲座特色:从教学案例入手,互动交流讨论; 微课教学,模拟授课; 听众互评,教师点评。 Inhalt: • Verbesserung des Leseverständnisses von Chinesischlernenden durch die Untersuchung sprachlicher Besonderheiten; • Planung von Unterricht zum Leseverständnis mittels Analysen schriftsprachlicher Merkmale und didaktischen […]
CeMEAS Vortrag & Podiumsdiskussion: 100 Years of CCP History – 100 Jahre KPCh/ Ist die Ära Xi Jinping das Ende der Geschichte der KPCh oder: Wie Xi Jinping die Parteigeschichte umschreibt.
Online (Zoom)Vortrag: Jonny Erling (Frankurt am Main) Moderator: Sascha Klotzbücher (Universität Göttingen) Diskutant*innen: Felix Wemheuer (Universität Köln) & Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (Universität Wien) Zoom-Link: 100 Jahre Geschichte der KPCh, das ist ein Anlaß, um die Geschichte der KPCh neu zu überdenken und millionenfach in der VR China als Buch zu vertreiben. Xi Jinping hat die offizielle […]
汉语教学培训 线上 讲座 – Chinesischlehrerfortbildung Online Veranstaltung
Online (Zoom)汉语作为外语 阅读技能的培养 — 从汉语综合课阅读教学入手 Erwerb der Lesekompetenz für Chinesisch als Fremdsprache — Einführung in die Vermittlung der Lesekompetenz im Allgemeinen Chinesischunterricht 讲座要点 Informationen 讲座内容: 剖析汉语语言特点,帮助学习者提升汉语阅读理解能力; 分析汉语书面语特点,结合教学法进行阅读课教学设计; 以初级、准中级水平阅读教材为案例,互动交流、准备教案。 讲座形式:两次课程,教师讲解、互动讨论、微格教学。 讲座特色:从教学案例入手,互动交流讨论; 微课教学,模拟授课; 听众互评,教师点评。 Inhalt: • Verbesserung des Leseverständnisses von Chinesischlernenden durch die Untersuchung sprachlicher Besonderheiten; • Planung von Unterricht zum Leseverständnis mittels Analysen schriftsprachlicher Merkmale und didaktischen […]
Conceptualizing Planetary Humanities – A Public Panel (Two Parts)
YouTube LivestreamThis public panel is part of a workshop hosted by Bo Strath, John Noyes & Dominic Sachsenmaier. It will discuss some of the major themes, contours, contexts, interventions, challenges, or potential pitfalls of the humanities understood as a planetary endeavor. The two panels (about one hour each) will be broadcast on youtube livestream. Part One: […]
CeMEAS Research Salon & Discussion: 100 Years of CCP History – 100 Jahre KPCh History in three keys: The Cultural Revolution as event, memory, and theory
Online (Zoom)Looking at 100 years of CCP history, the Cultural Revolution emerges as a key event in post-49 history. The idea is that understanding the Cultural Revolution is crucial to understanding both the Maoist period and the post-Maoist period of CCP history. In no socialist country has the leader of the Communist Party dared to mobilize […]
Lecture: China’s Ambitions in East Asia: Implications for Security and Stability (Helena Legarda)
Online (Zoom)Helena Legarda Senior analyst, Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies, Berlin Zoom-Link:
Vortrag: Die Pekinger Studentenbewegung 2.-31.Mai 1989
Online (Zoom)Erlebnisbericht von Helmut Opletal Zoom-Link: Anfang Mai 1989 fuhr Helmut Opletal im Auftrag des ORF nach Peking, um über den historischen China-Besuch des sowjetischen Staats- und Parteichefs Michail Gorbatschow zu berichten. Schließlich verbrachte er vier Wochen in China, und nicht Gorbatschow, sondern die Studentenproteste wurden zum Schwerpunkt seiner Berichterstattung. In dieser Zeit (2.-31. Mai […]
Lecture: Nationalism and the Crisis of Modernity (Prasenjit Duara)
Online (Zoom)Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 974 9488 9145 Passcode: 269109 This lecture is presented within the framework of the Joint Center for Advanced Studies project "Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China" as part of the project “Conceptions of World Order and Their Social Carrier Groups”. Abstract: "Whether or not there is […]
Lecture: China’s Foreign Policy: Interests, Ambitions, and Conceptions of World Order (Dr. Pascal Abb)
Online (Zoom)Dr. Pascal Abb Senior researcher, Leibniz-Institut, Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung Zoom-Link:
2021 Taiwan Lecture: Health and History in the Sinophone World: COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Humanities (Professors Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen, National Taiwan University)
Online (Zoom)
Venue: Zoom Password: 094608 Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused huge impact on human life. The adversity for human does not actually come from this emerging pathogen-SARS-CoV-2-but is probably due to untactful policies and inequitable philosophy that have been already existed before COVID-19. The catastrophe of COVID-19 pandemic is “revelation” for humanities like “A Great […]
2021 Taiwan Lecture: Health and History in the Sinophone World: Emergency Medical Services Evolution in Taiwan -Lessons learned from the past century- (Prof. Frank Fuh-yuan Shih, National Taiwan University Hospital)
Online (Zoom)Venue: Zoom Password: 094608 Abstract: In this lecture, we will discuss another representative China-born medical expert, Dr. Yang Wen-ta’s experience for viewing the establishment and mechanism of the Americanized emergency care system of Taiwan during the KMT Authoritarian era. Dr. Yang Wen-ta, a notable Taiwanese medical expert, had served in Taiwanese military medical system for […]
Junges Forum zum Chinesischen Recht am 29.04.2021
OnlineDas Deutsch-Chinesische Institut für Rechtswissenschaft der Universität Göttingen stellt im Rahmen seiner digitalen Veranstaltung "Junges Forum zum chinesischen Recht" am 29.04.2021 den Doppelmasterstudiengang "Chinesisches Recht und Rechtsvergleichung" der Universitäten Göttingen und Nanjing vor. Der Studiengang hat einen Umfang von vier Semestern und ermöglicht den Erwerb von gleich zwei Masterabschlüssen, sodass am Ende die Titel LL.M./LL.M. […]
Online-Vortrag: 哥廷根大学汉语作为外语师范专业 — 经验报告 Erfahrungsbericht zum Fach „Chinesisch als Fremdsprache” (Lehramt) an der Universität Göttingen
Online (Zoom)Andrea Lappen Master ofEducation an der Uni Göttingen Tätig als Lehrerin am Hainberg-Gymnasium Göttingen Abstract: 第一部分为讲座,主要内容包含-哥廷根大学汉语作为外语师范专业、教学专业搭配选择以及汉语专业在下萨克森州文理高中的概况-汉语师范专业在大学学习和工作中对德语母语者以及中文母语者的机遇和挑战-主讲人自身的学习,实习以及就业的实践经验的分享。第二部分为答疑时间.参与者可以向主讲人自由提问。 Im ersten Teil des Vortrags werden folgende Punkte thematisiert: ein Überblick über das Lehramtsstudium „Chinesisch als Fremdsprache“ an der Universität Göttingen die Wahl des Kombinationsfachs sowie das Fach an Gymnasien in Niedersachsen Chancen und mögliche Herausforderungen für deutsche und […]
Online-Lecture: Valerie J. Karplus (Carnegie Mellon University):Institutional and Policy Pathways to Carbon Neutrality in China by 2060
Online (Zoom)Online-Lecture: Zoom-Meeting-Link:
Online-Lecture: Nele Noesselt (Universität Duisburg-Essen): China’s R-AI-se: The Digital New Silk Road and China’s Global AI Dreams
Online (Zoom)Online-Lecture: Zoom-Meeting-Link:
Online-Lecture: Soo Yeon Kim (National University of Singapore): Gaining Ground, Gaining Influence? Vote Shares and Power in the Asian Infrastructure Invest-ment Bank (AIIB)
Online (Zoom)Online-Lecture: Zoom-Meeting-Link:
Online-Lecture: Sebastian Horn (LMU München): China’s Overseas Lending
Online (Zoom)Online-Lecture: Zoom-Meeting-Link:
Online-Lecture: Chong Wang and Shasha Li : “Contemporary Theater Performance” Seminar Series No. 2
Online (Zoom)Collaboration and Crossing Borders in Art Chong Wang and Shasha Li Zoom Link: Live Streaming: Chong Wang, China’s most influential post-80s theater director. His works have been performed in 17 countries. The Warfare of Landmine 2.0 won the 2013 Festival/Tokyo Award.Lu Xun was noted by the Beijing News as The Best Chinese Production […]
Online-Lecture: Julia Bader (University of Amsterdam): The Chinese Communist Party’s International Networks
Online (Zoom)Online-Lecture: Zoom-Meeting-Link:
Lecture “How the Chinese government normalises its campaign of internment in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region” (REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
Online (Zoom)Dr David O’Brien, Faculty of East Asian Studies at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany “Infectious Extremism: How the Chinese government normalises its campaign of internment in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region” According to official Chinese government figures 1.3 million people per year, mostly from the Uyghur ethnic group, have been sent for compulsory ‘vocational and educational’ […]
黎敏 Li Min (Beijing Foreign Studies University), 汉语教学培训 线上讲座 Chinese Teacher Training Online Lectures „基于汉语教材展开的文化教学 Culture teaching based on Chinese teaching material“
Online (Zoom)讲座要点 Key points of the lecture 第一部分为讲座,讨论的主要问题是如何发现和利用对外汉语语言教材中的文化教学资源,认为具有跨文化属性的对外汉语教学必须语言、文化并重。在对外汉语语言教材中,注重从文化产物、文化习俗入手,帮助理解文化观念;应着重选择体现文化规范的、产生积极交际效果的文化教学资源加以利用,并根据学习者的特点,对文化教学资源进行分众化、差异化处理,由浅入深地帮助学习者理解,培养其跨文化同理心,提高其汉语理解和应用能力。 第二部分为学员分组进行案例讨论,展示讨论结果,并由主讲人点评。 第三部分为答疑时间。 The first part of the teacher training is designed as a lecture with focus on the discussion of how to discover and use cultural teaching resources in teaching material for Chinese as a foreign language, based on the belief that an intercultural teaching approach of Chinese […]
MENG Dehong (BFSU), „对比语义视角下的汉字教学 Teaching Chinese Characters from the Perspective of Contrastive Semantics“
Online (Zoom)讲座要点 汉字“笔”是“竹管下有毛”,单词pen则来自feather这样的鹅毛管儿;汉字“著”提示中国人曾经把字写在“草”上,单词paper则直接来自于莎草papyrus,汉字“书契”记录的是“刻”,单词write词源义也是“刻”……看来人类的书写符号系统有着很多一致性的东西。如果把这些一致性的内容揭示好,解释好,应该能够让汉语第二语言学习者进一步增强汉字自我学习和习得的能力。 本次讲座以对比语义学的视角,阐释在印欧语环境下进行汉字教学的一些基本思路,通过具体例证,沟通人类文字符号之间的共通性理据,展示如何有效提升学生兴趣,增强学习动机,进而增强学习效果。 Key points of the lecture The Chinese character 笔 bǐ means „there are hairs under the bamboo tube”, whilst the English word “pen“ derives from the Latin word for “feather“; the character “著“ zhù suggests that the Chinese used to write down characters on “grass“, whilst the English word “paper“ derives directly […]
Zoom Lecture: Fractured Mirror: New Revolutionary History (新革命史) and the Search for China’s Future
Online (Zoom)Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Timothy Cheek (University of British Columbia) Time: Thursday, October 1st, 2020, 5.15 p.m. Central European Summer Time (Berlin) Zoom: Co-oganized by the Department of East Asian Studies/Sinology (University of Vienna) & the Centre for Modern East Asian Studies (University of Göttingen). Prof. Timothy Cheek’s lecture is the public keynote of „Whither […]
CeMEAS, The 16th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon: The Shifting Relationship between Classics and History: Constructing Historical Continuity in Republican China
Online (Zoom)Presenter: Felix Erdt (University of Göttingen, Department of East Asian Studies) Commentators: Prof. Viren Murthy (Associate Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison) Dr. Phil. Dr. rer. Med. Dominique Hertzer (Guest Researcher at the Centre for Modern East Asian Studies, University of Göttingen) Time: Wednesday, September 30, 4 pm – 5.30 pm Join us via Zoom, […]
CeMEAS Lecture: Weaponizing medicine: China’s disease prevention and the “military-civil fusion” in medical research
Online (Zoom)Sascha Klotzbücher (University of Göttingen) Time: July 15, 2020 5pm Venue: Zoom-Meeting Meeting-ID: 935 9750 7671 Passwort: 404190 Abstract: Since 2016, the Chinese Communist Party proclaimed the strategy of “military-civil fusion” of research (Kania 2019) (军民融合). However, this cooperation between military academies and civil universities or research institutes is not new. This lecture aims […]
CeMEAS Online Lecture: Affective pedagogic spaces in contemporary China
Online (Zoom)Lecturer: Gil Hizi (PhD University of Sydney) Abstract: Through the influence of psychotherapeutic expertise and popular entertainment, pedagogic programs for “self-improvement” in China today define positive affect as a key aspect of learning. In this talk, based on participant observations in the city of Jinan, I describe how workshops for interpersonal skills produce interactive spaces […]
CeMEAS: The 15th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon: Closer to the self while far from home: A longitudinal study about the experiences of students from People’s Republic of China in Germany
Online (Zoom)Please RSVP for the event via Ms Kara Blumenthal at Presenter: Lili Jiang (University of Göttingen, Department of East Asian Studies) Commentators: Dr. Jesús Pineda (Scientific coordinator and researcher, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Dr. Sascha Klotzbücher (Acting Chair, Society and Economy of China, University of Göttingen) Time: Tuesday, 07.07.2020, 6 pm (c.t.) – […]
He Yiwei 何一薇 (BFSU/ Universität Göttingen): 汉语教学培训 线上讲座 Chinese Teacher Training Online Lecture: 基于实用交际原则的汉语教学 Teaching Chinese on the Principle of Practical Communication
Online讲座要点:通过真实案例,分享教学心得,汉语教学中应将实用交际原则贯彻始终。 如何让汉语课堂变得高效有吸引力? 重视有意义的输入 实用且具针对性 实用且具典型性 实用且具可控性 如何调动学生的学习自主性和积极性? 实用且具直观启发性 实用且具交际性 Key points of the lecture: The principle of practical communication should be implemented in the teaching of Chinese as a second language based on analyzing real cases and sharing teaching experience. How to improve the efficiency of the Chinese language classroom and raise its appeal: Attach […]
Antonina Luszczykiewicz, PhD (Jagiellonian University in Krakow): “From Confucius to Ashoka. Civilizational Discourse in Contemporary Chinese-Indian Relations”
Besprechungsraum, KWZ 0.701 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: It is hard to imagine a meeting between Chinese and Indian leaders without any cultural program or context: while Xi Jinping took the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to the famous Terracotta Warriors site in Xi'an, Modi invited him back to a Hindu temple built in the 8th century in Mamallapuram. During these visits […]
book presentation: Dr. Sascha Klotzbücher: “Lange Schatten der Kulturrevolution: Eine transgenerationale Sicht auf Politik und Emotion in der Volksrepublik China (Long shadows of the Cultural Revolution: A transgenerational perspective on politics and emotion in the People’s Republic of China)”
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 4.105 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: I will introduce how I came to work on a framework for the analysis of power looking on the role of emotions and psychodynamics. In a first step, my book published in German asks about the conditions of marginalization of emotions and the “emotional returns” (Biess/Gross) in my learning and research environment. Using interpretative […]
Dr. Kiras Perincek (Bogacizi University, Istanbul): From China to Europe: the Travel of 14th/15th Century Paintings
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, Raum ZHG 1.141 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, GöttingenAbstract: The so-called Mehmet Siyah Kalem paintings, were produced on paper with brush and ink in a Chinese hinterland near Central Asia, during the 14th and 15th centuries. These paintings depicted scenes from folk stories, and they were cut and pasted into two albums in the Aqqoyunlu palace in Tabriz. They are brought by the […]
Prof. Dr. Bart Dessein (Ghent University, Belgium): Historical Narrative, Remembrance, and the Ordering of the World: A Historical Approach of China’s Contemporary Presence in Central Asia
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: China’s imperial history is characterized by the expansion and reduction of zones of Chinese cultural influence. This cultural influence also applies to Central Asia, which was part of China’s zone of cultural influence during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The literature portrays the Tang Emperor as the “Khan” of these regions. The territorial expansion of […]
Hans-Günther Herrmann: “Die nationale und internationale Rechtslage Hongkongs vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Entwicklungen.”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 1.701 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: Hongkong genießt dem Basic Law zufolge einen „hohen Grad der Autonomie“. Dieses Selbstverwaltungsrecht ist aber vom Gesetz nicht abschließend definiert, sondern wird durch die Rechtsprechung der Hongkonger Gerichte einerseits und Maßnahmen der chinesischen Zentralregierung andererseits schrittweise ausgestaltet. Diese Dynamik, in der beide Seiten agieren und reagieren und sich selbst Beschränkungen auflegen, setzt sich bis […]
Prof. Shigeru Akita (Professor of Global History, Osaka University): British Economic Interests and the International Order of Asia in the 1930s
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 1.701 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: The purpose of this talk is to reconsider the nature and formation of the ‘International Order of Asia’ in the 1930s in the light of new historiographical developments and to present a framework for the reconsideration of the ‘International Order of East Asia’ in the 1950s from the perspective of the continuities from previous […]
Yi-hsun Huang & Hsin-yi Lin: “Chan Studies based on the Rare Material Collection at Fo Guang University”
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 4.105 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenYi-hsun Huang: “Chan Master Hanyue’s Concept of Chan and Teachings” Abstract: This talk introduces Chan Master Hanyue’s 漢月 (1573–1635) attitude toward sūtra teachings in the late Ming by using a rare book, Hanyue’s Guiding Words on the Zhizheng zhuan. Hanyue represents a mature and confident attitude towards sūtra teachings on the part of a Chan […]
Prof. Dr. Tze-ki Hon (City University of Hong Kong): The Yijing and the Yijing Commentarial Traditions
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.603 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: Originally a divination manual, the Yijing 易經 (Book of Changes) is a composite text consisting of three distinct layers. Its first layer is comprised by the 8 trigrams and 64 hexagrams allegedly created by the mythical figure, Fu Xi. Its second layer are the hexagram statements and line statements allegedly written by King Wen […]
Prof. Dr. MENG Lingqi 孟令奇 (SDI München): 汉语作为第二语言语音教学的阶段性与教学策略 Stages and Teaching Strategies for Phonetic Trainings in Chinese as a Second Language
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.603 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenHere you get more information.
The Cultural Interweaving among Deities, Humanity and Buddha: The Transition from Authoritarianism to Democratic Awakening
Theologicum, -1.113 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2, GöttingenA Glance at Taiwan's Recent Movement toward the Legislation of The Basic Religious Law Lecturer: Bhikkhu Shih Fatzang Abbot, Wanfo Buddhist Monastery, Tainan, Taiwan The Forty-sixth Generation Lineage-Holder in the Tiantai Lineage
Information meeting for our new master students in Modern Sinology
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 007 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen, DeutschlandAll new students in the master program Modern Sinology are cordially invited to join the information meeting on October 18, 2019, at 1pm in room 007 of the ZHG (Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude).
Zhang Xuehua (Nanjing University): “Managing Municipal Solid Waste in China: A Community-based Decentralized Approach”
Verfügungsgebäude VG 1.104 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenHere you get more information.
Wu Jian (Renmin University of China): “Governance of Green Space: Management Structure, Planning and Policies in China”
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.108 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenHere you get more information.
Prof. HUANG Li 黄立 (Peking University): 构式语法视野下的语法习得研究 (Construction Grammar and the Study of Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Grammar)
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.106 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen摘要: 汉语作为第二语言(外语)的语法习得研究近二三十年来取得不少的研究成果,这一方面表现在研究的问题不断深入具体,另一方面也表现在语法习得研究的理论视野在不断拓宽。近年来,随着构式语法、语言类型学等相关理论和方法的发展,汉语语法习得的研究正在走上一个新的台阶。过去的中介语偏误分析、习得顺序和习得步骤的描写与解释可以结合构式语法的相关理论和汉语构式研究的有关成果,通过对中介语语法项目中形式与意义的配对分析,更好地发现、描写和解释汉语语法的习得规律和进程,并将其运用到汉语第二语言教学中,从而提高教学效率。 Abstract: The study of grammar acquisition of Chinese as a second /foreign language has achieved a lot of research results in the past decades, which is not only reflected by the further progression of research, but also by the constant expanding of research on theoretical perspectives of grammar acquisition. In recent years, the […]
Prof. Shaoxin DONG (Fudan University, Shanghai, PR China): „The Introduction of the Term „ASIA“ into China and Chinese responses“
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 1.108 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: The three-continent system, including Europe, Asia and Africa, was invented by the ancient Greeks. In the Middle Ages, this system was explained in the Catholic theological context, which puts Jerusalem at the centre of T and O world map, and shows the continents as domains of the sons of Noah: Sem, Iafeth and Cham. […]
Prof. Olivier Remaud (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France) and Prof. Chunjie Zhang (University of California, Davis, USA): „Normative and Reflexive Ethics: Perspectives from China and the West, 1900-1950“
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.102 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: In this joint event, Olivier Remaud and Chunjie Zhang will explore the possibility of using normativity and reflexivity as ethics in relation to environmental and cultural cosmopolitanisms in the first half of the twentieth century. Remaud will first lecture on “The World as Earth. Environmental Reflexivity and the Philological Mind.” From oceans filled with […]
CeMEAS/U4 Workshop & Public Panel: Towards a New Global Order? Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa Wilhelmsplatz 3, GöttingenHier erfahren Sie mehr.