“China’s Role in a Changing Global Economy” (2018年哥廷根大学-南京大学研讨会:变化的全球经济和中国发展)
Seminar Room 1, DARE (9.136, Blue tower) Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen, DeutschlandProgram: Opening 13:00-13:10 Prof. Xiaohua Yu (Göttingen), Introducing the program and the participants from University of Göttingen (于晓华教授:介绍会议日程以及哥廷根大学的与会者) Dr. Xu Ning (NJU), Introducing the participants from Nanjing University and IDEI […]
Dharmameister Kaiyin: „Path to Happiness: Loving-kindness Meditation”
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 004 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, GöttingenIm Kontext der Einführung in den Buddhismus (Teil des Moduls Geistesgeschichte) findet ein Gastvortrag statt. Ein führender Mönch vom Fagu-Kloster in Nordtaiwan kommt nach Göttingen und hält einen Vortrag zur […]
ASC Conference
Arbeitskreis Sozialwissenschaftliche Chinaforschung- Jahrestagung 2018 Hier erhalten Sie mehr Informationen.
Prof. Dr. Christine Moll-Murata (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): “North-East Asian peripheries in focus: industrialization, architecture and city planning in Inner Mongolia”
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.107 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: Inner Mongolia belongs to the Northeast Asian Frontier Region as defined by Owen Lattimore. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, this macro-region has been subjected to various political […]
Prof. Zhang Xupeng (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): “Beyond National History: Some New Trends in Chinese History Writing”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.610 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: In recent years, many Chinese scholars have rethought the paradigm of national history. Consequently, research on borders and border-crossing history has become increasingly popular. In this context, some scholars […]
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.606 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: A unique characteristic of the cultural contacts between China and Europe is the intercultural circuit of books: European books travelling to China and in return Chinese books travelling to […]
Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung: “Arbeitskämpfe und die Verfolgung studentischer AktivistInnen in China”
Oeconomicum. OEC 0.211 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenMit: Michael Ma (SACOM, Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour, Hongkong), Peter Birke und Daniel Fuchs (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen). Moderation: Katja Pessl (CeMEAS) Die Zahl der Streiks und Proteste in Chinas […]
Die einzelnen Veranstaltungsorte entnehmen Sie bitte dem obigen Link. Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenDie Seminare für Arabistik/ Islamwissenschaft, Iranstik, Turkologie und das Ostasiatische Seminar laden ein zum BerufsInformationsTag. Nähere Informationen zum Programm erhalten Sie hier.
4. Nacht des Wissens: Katja Pessl (CeMEAS) & Daniel Fuchs (Ostasiatisches Seminar): “Sprachsalat und Fettnäpfchen: Chinesisch für Kinder und Erwachsene”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607Die Veranstaltung bietet eine humorvolle Einführung in Grundkenntnisse der chinesischen Sprache. Sie erlernen Grundstrukturen chinesischer Schriftzeichen und werden in die Herausforderungen der Übersetzung aus dem / in das Chinesische eingeführt. […]
4. Nacht des Wissens: Wang Yan & Christoph Zimmer (Ostasiatisches Seminar): “Chinesisch verstehen – China verstehen?”
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 003 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, GöttingenZhèng dà guāng míng: 1706 steht Charles Maigrot vor dem chinesischen Kaiser. Als er aufgefordert wird, einige Schriftzeichen zu erläutern, versagt er kläglich. Kurz darauf werden die Missionare des Landes […]
Li-Jen Kuo (Texas A&M University, USA): „Acquisition of Chinese Characters by Second Language Learners: The Effects of Character Properties and Individual Differences“
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.106 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: Recent years have witnessed a dramatic growth of Chinese learners worldwide and a need for cross-linguistic research on Chinese literacy development. Drawing upon theories of visual complexity effect (Su […]
Prof. David Armitage (Harvard University): „In Defense of Presentism”
Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa, Raum "Taberna" Wilhelmsplatz 3, GöttingenAbstract: Historians know one thing about presentism: they are against it. Yet what exactly presentism is, they cannot agree. Is it a focus on modern history or a novel way […]
Dr. Lee Chun-Yi (University of Nottingham): “Does China’s BRI have smart power on Southeast Asian countries?”
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: The One Belt One Road project (OBOR, later known as the Belt and Road Initiative, BRI), initiated by Chinese President Xi Jinping, took shape in October 2013. It is […]
Eva Sternfeld (Sino-German Agricultural Centre): “Transforming China’s Agriculture and Food Sector – On path to sustainability?”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.603 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: China needs to feed about one fifth of the world population but has only 7 percent of world’s arable land. Ensuring food security has been always a challenge and […]
Prof. Dr. JIA Fang (Beijing Normal University): “Chinese Oral Expression Training in Overseas Language Environment”
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.106 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: 摘要:在第二语言技能教学中,口头表达训练是学习者最需要教师帮助的项目之一,也是最能检验教师教学能力的科目,有很大的研究空间。本讲座的内容分为两个部分:第一部分:“汉语口头表达训练的基本问题与教学策略”,简要论述口语课的定位及教学目标,着重梳理教学中存在的实际问题和对应的教学策略。第二部分:“海外环境下的汉语口头表达训练”,分析海外环境下汉语口头表达训练的特点以及如何从教师、教材、教学方法等方面进行环境补偿。 In second language teaching, the training of oral competence is one of the most important skills for students that requires their teacher’s support. That is why it is […]
Li Hongtao 李红涛 (Zhegjiang University): “Defining a Green APP: Civic Tech, Digital Activism and Visions of Public Participation”
Verfügungsgebäude. VG 3.104 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: With smog now constituting part of the daily health threats for Chinese people, many pollution tracking APPs have come into the market to meet the demand for smog related […]
Prof. Dr. Lena Hennigsen (Freiburg University): „Reading as creative and social practice: Unofficial popular entertainment literature during the Cultural Revolution“
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 1.731 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: Most literary histories of Twentieth Century China describe the output of the Cultural Revolution (CR) in a few sentences or paragraphs. Legal and officially endorsed literary texts of the […]
China – Pflanzen aus dem Reich der Mitte Sonderführungen durch den Alten Botanischen Garten der Universität Göttingen
Alter Botanischer Garten Untere Karspüle 2, GöttingenIm Rahmen der Vortragsreihe China’s Green Transformation werden im Sommersemester 2019 Führungen zur Flora Chinas im Alten Botanischen Garten angeboten. Veranstalter der Vortragsreihe sind das Centre for Modern East Asian […]
Guest Lectures on Chinese as a Foreign Language 汉语作为外语讲座
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 4.104 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenProf. LI Xiaoqi 李晓琪 (Peking University北京大学): 汉语虚词教学与研究 (Teaching and Research of Chinese Function Words) 摘要: 虚词是汉语语法的重要特点,是外国学生学习汉语的难点,外国学生在虚词学习方面存在着严重的“化石化”现象。如何把汉语虚词教学与研究有机地结合起来,摸索出科学有效的虚词教学方法和虚词研究模式,是每一位汉语教师及研究者需要面对的课题。本讲座与大家分享一路走来的虚词教学与研究心得。包括:虚词教学的原则(分清理论语法与教学语法);虚词教学的方法(讲授与参与;练习与互动;表格与重现)和虚词教学案例分析。 Abstract: Chinese function words (虚词xuci ) are an important feature of Chinese grammar, and […]
The 13th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon: Mixed Identities in Northeast Chinese Borderlands: Koreans in Liaodong in the 15th to 17th centuries
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.701 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenPresenter: Hanning PIAO (Fudan University, Shanghai) Commentators: Yan JIN (Department of East Asian Studies, Göttingen) & Dr. Julia C. SCHNEIDER (Department of East Asian Studies, Göttingen) Abstract: Migration has existed […]
FiReF-FIRSt International Conference: “The Global Dimensions of Religious Othering”
Emmy-Noether-Saal, Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa Wilhelmsplatz 3, GöttingenThe topic of ‘religious othering’—stereotyping people of other faiths in a prejudicial way—has become an aspect of nationalist politics and social conflict throughout the world, including Europe and the United […]
The 14th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon: Measuring Reliability in the Wartime Transport of Provisions: The Case of Mao Yuanyi (1594-1641)
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 2.101 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenPresenter: Masato Hasegawa (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) Commentators: Dr. Charlotte Backerra, Dr. Julia Schneider For an essay draft please contact us (assist@cemeas.uni-goettingen.de). Short Bio: Masato Hasegawa […]
Prof. Sheldon Garon (Department of History, Princeton University): „On the Transnational Destruction of Cities: What Japan and the U.S. learned from the Bombing of Britain, Germany, and China“
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607Abtract: How did it become “normal” to bomb cities and civilians? Focusing on the aerial bombardment of China, Britain, Germany, and Japan in 1937-45, Garon spotlights the role of transnational […]
Prof. Dr. Martin Welp (Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development): “Greening for urban wellbeing: A Sustainability Assessment of the Kökyar Protection Forest in NW China”
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 4.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: China has made remarkable achievements in increasing forest and vegetation cover in large parts of the country. The Three-North Shelter Forest Program (also known as the great green wall) […]
Prof. Selçuk Esenbel (Department of History, Boğaziçi University Istanbul): „Japan and China on the Silk Road: A Global History of Politics and Culture in Eurasia“
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.609 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: Japan on the Silk Road is a global history of politics and culture from the late 19th century until the end of the second world war connected to the […]
Sonderführung durch den Forstbotanischen Garten der Universität Göttingen: China – Gehölze aus dem Reich der Mitte
Arboretum China, Bushaltestelle Tammanstraße am Nordcampus Tammanstraße, GöttingenDie Führung wird von Dipl.-Ing. Volker Meng im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe China’s Green Transformation im Sommersemester 2019 angeboten. Die Führungen sind kostenfrei und eine Anmeldung ist nicht nötig. Anfahrt und […]
CeMEAS/U4 Workshop & Public Panel: Towards a New Global Order? Ambitions, Scope and Challenges of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa Wilhelmsplatz 3, GöttingenHier erfahren Sie mehr.
Prof. Olivier Remaud (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France) and Prof. Chunjie Zhang (University of California, Davis, USA): „Normative and Reflexive Ethics: Perspectives from China and the West, 1900-1950“
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.102 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: In this joint event, Olivier Remaud and Chunjie Zhang will explore the possibility of using normativity and reflexivity as ethics in relation to environmental and cultural cosmopolitanisms in the […]
Prof. Shaoxin DONG (Fudan University, Shanghai, PR China): „The Introduction of the Term „ASIA“ into China and Chinese responses“
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 1.108 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: The three-continent system, including Europe, Asia and Africa, was invented by the ancient Greeks. In the Middle Ages, this system was explained in the Catholic theological context, which puts […]
Prof. HUANG Li 黄立 (Peking University): 构式语法视野下的语法习得研究 (Construction Grammar and the Study of Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Grammar)
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.106 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen摘要: 汉语作为第二语言(外语)的语法习得研究近二三十年来取得不少的研究成果,这一方面表现在研究的问题不断深入具体,另一方面也表现在语法习得研究的理论视野在不断拓宽。近年来,随着构式语法、语言类型学等相关理论和方法的发展,汉语语法习得的研究正在走上一个新的台阶。过去的中介语偏误分析、习得顺序和习得步骤的描写与解释可以结合构式语法的相关理论和汉语构式研究的有关成果,通过对中介语语法项目中形式与意义的配对分析,更好地发现、描写和解释汉语语法的习得规律和进程,并将其运用到汉语第二语言教学中,从而提高教学效率。 Abstract: The study of grammar acquisition of Chinese as a second /foreign language has achieved a lot of research results in the past decades, which is not only […]
Wu Jian (Renmin University of China): “Governance of Green Space: Management Structure, Planning and Policies in China”
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 3.108 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenHere you get more information.
Zhang Xuehua (Nanjing University): “Managing Municipal Solid Waste in China: A Community-based Decentralized Approach”
Verfügungsgebäude VG 1.104 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenHere you get more information.
Information meeting for our new master students in Modern Sinology
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 007 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen, DeutschlandAll new students in the master program Modern Sinology are cordially invited to join the information meeting on October 18, 2019, at 1pm in room 007 of the ZHG (Zentrales […]
The Cultural Interweaving among Deities, Humanity and Buddha: The Transition from Authoritarianism to Democratic Awakening
Theologicum, -1.113 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2, GöttingenA Glance at Taiwan's Recent Movement toward the Legislation of The Basic Religious Law Lecturer: Bhikkhu Shih Fatzang Abbot, Wanfo Buddhist Monastery, Tainan, Taiwan The Forty-sixth Generation Lineage-Holder in the […]
Prof. Dr. MENG Lingqi 孟令奇 (SDI München): 汉语作为第二语言语音教学的阶段性与教学策略 Stages and Teaching Strategies for Phonetic Trainings in Chinese as a Second Language
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.603 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenHere you get more information.
Prof. Dr. Tze-ki Hon (City University of Hong Kong): The Yijing and the Yijing Commentarial Traditions
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.603 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: Originally a divination manual, the Yijing 易經 (Book of Changes) is a composite text consisting of three distinct layers. Its first layer is comprised by the 8 trigrams and […]
Yi-hsun Huang & Hsin-yi Lin: “Chan Studies based on the Rare Material Collection at Fo Guang University”
Verfügungsgebäude, VG 4.105 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenYi-hsun Huang: “Chan Master Hanyue’s Concept of Chan and Teachings” Abstract: This talk introduces Chan Master Hanyue’s 漢月 (1573–1635) attitude toward sūtra teachings in the late Ming by using a […]
Prof. Shigeru Akita (Professor of Global History, Osaka University): British Economic Interests and the International Order of Asia in the 1930s
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 1.701 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: The purpose of this talk is to reconsider the nature and formation of the ‘International Order of Asia’ in the 1930s in the light of new historiographical developments and […]
Hans-Günther Herrmann: “Die nationale und internationale Rechtslage Hongkongs vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Entwicklungen.”
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 1.701 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: Hongkong genießt dem Basic Law zufolge einen „hohen Grad der Autonomie“. Dieses Selbstverwaltungsrecht ist aber vom Gesetz nicht abschließend definiert, sondern wird durch die Rechtsprechung der Hongkonger Gerichte einerseits […]
Prof. Dr. Bart Dessein (Ghent University, Belgium): Historical Narrative, Remembrance, and the Ordering of the World: A Historical Approach of China’s Contemporary Presence in Central Asia
Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen, DeutschlandAbstract: China’s imperial history is characterized by the expansion and reduction of zones of Chinese cultural influence. This cultural influence also applies to Central Asia, which was part of China’s […]
Dr. Kiras Perincek (Bogacizi University, Istanbul): From China to Europe: the Travel of 14th/15th Century Paintings
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, Raum ZHG 1.141 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, GöttingenAbstract: The so-called Mehmet Siyah Kalem paintings, were produced on paper with brush and ink in a Chinese hinterland near Central Asia, during the 14th and 15th centuries. These paintings […]
book presentation: Dr. Sascha Klotzbücher: “Lange Schatten der Kulturrevolution: Eine transgenerationale Sicht auf Politik und Emotion in der Volksrepublik China (Long shadows of the Cultural Revolution: A transgenerational perspective on politics and emotion in the People’s Republic of China)”
Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 4.105 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, GöttingenAbstract: I will introduce how I came to work on a framework for the analysis of power looking on the role of emotions and psychodynamics. In a first step, my […]
Antonina Luszczykiewicz, PhD (Jagiellonian University in Krakow): “From Confucius to Ashoka. Civilizational Discourse in Contemporary Chinese-Indian Relations”
Besprechungsraum, KWZ 0.701 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenAbstract: It is hard to imagine a meeting between Chinese and Indian leaders without any cultural program or context: while Xi Jinping took the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to […]
He Yiwei 何一薇 (BFSU/ Universität Göttingen): 汉语教学培训 线上讲座 Chinese Teacher Training Online Lecture: 基于实用交际原则的汉语教学 Teaching Chinese on the Principle of Practical Communication
Online讲座要点:通过真实案例,分享教学心得,汉语教学中应将实用交际原则贯彻始终。 如何让汉语课堂变得高效有吸引力? 重视有意义的输入 实用且具针对性 实用且具典型性 实用且具可控性 如何调动学生的学习自主性和积极性? 实用且具直观启发性 实用且具交际性 Key points of the lecture: The principle of practical communication should be implemented in the teaching of Chinese as a second […]
CeMEAS: The 15th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon: Closer to the self while far from home: A longitudinal study about the experiences of students from People’s Republic of China in Germany
Online (Zoom)Please RSVP for the event via Ms Kara Blumenthal at assist@cemeas.uni-goettingen.de. Presenter: Lili Jiang (University of Göttingen, Department of East Asian Studies) Commentators: Dr. Jesús Pineda (Scientific coordinator and researcher, […]
CeMEAS Online Lecture: Affective pedagogic spaces in contemporary China
Online (Zoom)Lecturer: Gil Hizi (PhD University of Sydney) Abstract: Through the influence of psychotherapeutic expertise and popular entertainment, pedagogic programs for “self-improvement” in China today define positive affect as a key […]