Chinese Studies
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Lecture: Chinese Studies under the Eyes of the Communist Party?


This lecture is part of the lecture series “TALK TO OUR AUTHORS“, organised by the Journal der European Association of Chinese Studies Authors: Olga Lomová, Charles University, Prague, Czechia Andreas Fulda, University of Nottingham, UK Introduced and moderated by: Sascha Klotzbücher, University of Göttingen, Germany/University of Vienna, Austria Join the discussion on Zoom: Meeting ID: […]

“Contemporary Theater Art” Seminar Series No. 8


Topic: Play and Performance of Hometown: A Talk on College Theater Production Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. GAO Ziwen Time: Jan. 12, Wednesday, 1:00 PM-2:30 PM CET Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 96138078236 Language: Chinese with English interpretation Lecture Content 1. To introduce the production background of Hometown 2. To describe the production process and market […]

Online-Lecture: Dr. Benjamin Creutzfeldt (Göttingen University): “China in Latin America – Some Observations“


Dr. Benjamin Creutzfeldt is a Lecturer at the Department of East Asian Studies. -He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at SAIS Foreign Policy Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and a Resident Fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC. He obtained his Ph.D. in Political Studies from Externado University in Colombia, and is also a historian of […]

Lecture: Peter Zarrow (Department of History, University of Connecticut, Hartford, USA): The Utopian Impulse and Chinese Political Modernity


Please register in advance: This paper discusses the role played by utopian “moves” that were made by political thinkers in the late Qing and Republican periods to build a new more or less democratic and socialist nation. An analysis of four case studies—Kang Youwei, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Duxiu, and Hu Shi—reveals distinct but overlapping […]

Workshop: “Africa in Shifting Global Contexts: The Roles of China and the EU”


Wednesday, December 15th, 2021 08:30-10:00 GMT: The Belt and Road Initiative in Africa: Problems and Opportunities Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 838 7502 2790 Chair: Dr. Janice Jeong (Göttingen University, Germany) 1. Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel, Germany) China’s Overseas Lending 2. Professor Liu Haifang (Peking University, China) One Belt One […]

Workshop: “Africa in Shifting Global Contexts: The Roles of China and the EU”


Tuesday, December 14th, 2021 08:15-08:30 GMT: Welcome Dr. Mengshu Zhan (Göttingen University, Germany) Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier (Göttingen University, Germany) 08:30-10:00 GMT: Chinese and European Soft Power in Africa: Confrontational Pathways? Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 852 3412 8312 Chair: Prof. Dominic Sachsenmaier (Göttingen University, Germany) 1. Prof. David Mills (Oxford University), Dr Natasha […]

Online-Lecture: Prof. Cao Yin (Tsinghua University): “India-China Connections from Subaltern Perspectives”


Abstract: The history of India-China connections has long been explored from elite perspectives (religious, intellectual, and political), while few have ever paid attention to how ordinary Indians and Chinese interacted and how their lives were connected. This talk will focus on cases in the first half of the twentieth century, including the experiences of Sikh […]

“Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series No. 7: Chan Kwok Wai Bernice: “Illustrating the Stage of Hong Kong for Audiences of the Present and the Future – My Creative Journey as a Curator of the Exhibition “A Snap beyond Borders””


“Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series No. 7 Illustrating the Stage of Hong Kong for Audiences of the Present and the Future - My Creative Journey as a Curator of the Exhibition "A Snap beyond Borders" Speaker: Chan Kwok Wai Bernice Language: English Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 964 2065 8426 Passcode: 339948 Bio: Chan Kwok […]

Alessandro Rippa (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): “Borderland Infrastructures: Trade, Development, and Control in Western China”


ABSTRACT: Across the Chinese borderlands, investments in large-scale transnational infrastructure such as roads and special economic zones have increased exponentially over the past two decades. Based on long-term ethnographic research, Borderland Infrastructures addresses a major contradiction at the heart of this fast-paced development: small-scale traders have lost their historic strategic advantages under the growth of […]

Lecture: Leigh Jenco (Professor of Political Theory, London School of Economics, Department of Government): The Ming-Qing Transition as a Philosophical Problem


Please register in advance: Abstract: The transition from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty was not experienced as a sharp break for those who lived through it, but it has come to stand in the minds of later Chinese literati as nothing less than an existential crisis for Chinese identity—both driving and driven […]

Dr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi (Hong Kong University): “Yellow Peril with a Dash of Green?: Global Fantasies on an Islamized China at the Turn of the Twentieth Century”


Bio: Mohammed Al-Sudairi is a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences and is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Asian Studies Unit at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies. He obtained his PhD in Comparative Politics from the University of Hong Kong, his master's […]

China Platform: Taiwan Lecture Café Series 2021


Wednesday 27 October Liao Hsien-hao (National Taiwan University) “Taiwan at the crossroads: Between Central Kingdom and Seafaring Pirates” Wednesday 3 November Yeh Kuo-chün (National Taiwan University) “Did China’s soft power seduction lure Taiwan’s youth? Preliminary evidence for employment and entrepreneurship” Wednesday 10 November Lee Yu-Ting (National Taiwan University) “Problems of East Asian Historical Narrative: Compared […]


汉语教学培训 线上讲座 Chinesischlehrerfortbildung – Online-Veranstaltung


汉语教学中的差异化教学 Differenzierung im Chinesischunterricht 培训 内容: • 差异化教学及其理论基础:多元智能理论与布鲁姆教育目标分类 • 华裔学习者与非华裔学习者、汉语传承语教学( Heritage Language Teaching )与传统的外语教学( Foreign Language Teaching )的异同 • 成人汉语教学中的差异化教学设计和案例 • 儿童汉语教学中的差异化教学设计和案例。 Inhalt: • Differenzierung im Unterricht und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen: Multifaktorielle Intelligenztheorien und Blooms Taxonomie der Lernziele; • Unterschiede im Spracherwerb zwischen chinesischstämmigen und nicht chinesischstämmigen Lernenden, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Herkunftsprachenunterricht (Heritage Language […]

Prof. Im Chong Myong (Chonnam National University): “The Amorphousness of Post-War and Post-Colonial South Korea and its Regional Contexts”


Abstract: The talk deals with the effects of World War Two on East Asia and Korea, and in this context it deals with issues like the re-construction of Western modernism and the inauguration of the nation-states system in the region. The talk also discusses the amorphousness of post-colonial South Korea where, in many respects, modern […]

Lecture: Peng Guoxiang (Zhejiang University): The Understanding and Practice of “Five Religions” in Early 20th Century China. The Works and Views of Feng Bingnan (1888-1956)


Please register in advance: Abstract: The so-called “sanjiao 三教 tradition (three teachings/religions)” that includes Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism has conventionally been considered as the “Chinese religion” in Chinese history. In addition to the “sanjiao,” however, Christianity and Islam were introduced to China pretty early and also became integral parts of the Chinese religious tradition. […]


CeMEAS: Lecture Series: “New Perspectives on Modernity in China”


Since the nineteenth century, China is offering perspectives on modernity that are often unexpected and therefore challenge Western assumptions about the nature of modernity. In this lecture series, we will look at Chinese history, philosophy, religion, politics etc. presenting current research that is addressing unsettling questions triggered by these developments. . Nov 12, 2021 The […]

Online-Lecture: Prof. Elizabeth Kaske (Leipzig): “Late Qing Perceptions of Risk and Fortune: Plotting Careers in an Age of Anxiety”


Abstract: One aspect that strikes observers of nineteenth-century China is the apparent lack of panic in the face of foreign aggression among Qing officials. Max Weber, an avid reader of Peking Gazette translations and the English-language press of coastal China, identified the precarity of status and income—rather than Confucian conservatism—as the main impediment to reform. […]

Online-Lecture: Prof. Edward Wang (Rowan University & Peking University): “Potato vs. Sweet Potato in Making the Modern World: A Discussion of Oceanic and Plant History in Historiography.”

Online (Zoom)

Abstract: Both oceanic history and plant history are recent developments in historiography. This talk will discuss how the two schools enhance the study of global history and reshape our views about the making of the modern world. As a continual effort to critique the nation-state focus in 19th century historiography, which began with the French […]

Online-Lecture: Frau Prof. Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (Universität Wien): „Das Jahr 1943: Die Alliierten entscheiden über die Zukunft von Österreich und Taiwan“


Abstract: Im Jahr 1943 fanden zwei Konferenzen statt, die über die Nachkriegssituation von Taiwan und Österreich entscheiden sollten: Vom 19. Oktober bis 1. November 1943 fand die Konferenz von Moskau statt, auf der durch die Außenminister der USA, der SU und Großbritanniens die Wiederherstellung des Staates Österreich beschlossen wurde. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Österreich „das […]

online discussion forum: Making Chinese Foreign Aid Transparent – What is Hidden in Data and Policy Documents?


Since the turn of the millennium, China has provided record amounts of development aid and other types of development finance to countries around the globe. However, its grant-giving and lending activities remain intransparent. This is not least due to the institutional complexity of China’s system of foreign aid and the absence of comprehensive reporting systems […]


China Platform: Taiwan Lecture Café Series 2021


Wednesday 27 October Liao Hsien-hao (National Taiwan University) “Taiwan at the crossroads: Between Central Kingdom and Seafaring Pirates” Wednesday 3 November Yeh Kuo-chün (National Taiwan University) “Did China’s soft power seduction lure Taiwan’s youth? Preliminary evidence for employment and entrepreneurship” Wednesday 10 November Lee Yu-Ting (National Taiwan University) “Problems of East Asian Historical Narrative: Compared […]

Global Visions of Place and Belonging: Sojourners from China and the Arab World Dr. Janice Jeong (Göttingen) & Dr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi (Hong Kong University)

Online (Zoom)

The talks by Dr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi and Dr. Janice Hyeju Jeong will discuss sojourners who traversed between China and the Arab world at pivotal moments in the twentieth century, who interpreted the destinations of their travels as the center of their spiritual or revolutionary worlds. They will each position Maoist China and Mecca under pre-1970s […]

Lecture: “The Inter-State Order of Post-Tang East Asia” by Nicolas Tackett (Berkeley)

Online (Zoom)

This lecture is presented within the framework of the Joint Center for Advanced Studies project "Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China" as part of the project “Conceptions of World Order and Their Social Carrier Groups”. Abstract: Whereas a few decades ago, the pre-twentieth century "Chinese World Order" was typically treated as unchanging […]

汉语教学培训 线上 讲座 – Chinesischlehrerfortbildung Online Veranstaltung

Online (Zoom)

汉语作为外语 阅读技能的培养 — 从汉语综合课阅读教学入手 Erwerb der Lesekompetenz für Chinesisch als Fremdsprache — Einführung in die Vermittlung der Lesekompetenz im Allgemeinen Chinesischunterricht 讲座要点 Informationen: 讲座内容: 剖析汉语语言特点,帮助学习者提升汉语阅读理解能力; 分析汉语书面语特点,结合教学法进行阅读课教学设计; 以初级、准中级水平阅读教材为案例,互动交流、准备教案。 讲座形式:两次课程,教师讲解、互动讨论、微格教学。 讲座特色:从教学案例入手,互动交流讨论; 微课教学,模拟授课; 听众互评,教师点评。 Inhalt: • Verbesserung des Leseverständnisses von Chinesischlernenden durch die Untersuchung sprachlicher Besonderheiten; • Planung von Unterricht zum Leseverständnis mittels Analysen schriftsprachlicher Merkmale und didaktischen […]

CeMEAS Vortrag & Podiumsdiskussion: 100 Years of CCP History – 100 Jahre KPCh/ Ist die Ära Xi Jinping das Ende der Geschichte der KPCh oder: Wie Xi Jinping die Parteigeschichte umschreibt.

Online (Zoom)

Vortrag: Jonny Erling (Frankurt am Main) Moderator: Sascha Klotzbücher (Universität Göttingen) Diskutant*innen: Felix Wemheuer (Universität Köln) & Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (Universität Wien) Zoom-Link: 100 Jahre Geschichte der KPCh, das ist ein Anlaß, um die Geschichte der KPCh neu zu überdenken und millionenfach in der VR China als Buch zu vertreiben. Xi Jinping hat die offizielle […]

汉语教学培训 线上 讲座 – Chinesischlehrerfortbildung Online Veranstaltung

Online (Zoom)

汉语作为外语 阅读技能的培养 — 从汉语综合课阅读教学入手 Erwerb der Lesekompetenz für Chinesisch als Fremdsprache — Einführung in die Vermittlung der Lesekompetenz im Allgemeinen Chinesischunterricht 讲座要点 Informationen 讲座内容: 剖析汉语语言特点,帮助学习者提升汉语阅读理解能力; 分析汉语书面语特点,结合教学法进行阅读课教学设计; 以初级、准中级水平阅读教材为案例,互动交流、准备教案。 讲座形式:两次课程,教师讲解、互动讨论、微格教学。 讲座特色:从教学案例入手,互动交流讨论; 微课教学,模拟授课; 听众互评,教师点评。 Inhalt: • Verbesserung des Leseverständnisses von Chinesischlernenden durch die Untersuchung sprachlicher Besonderheiten; • Planung von Unterricht zum Leseverständnis mittels Analysen schriftsprachlicher Merkmale und didaktischen […]


Conceptualizing Planetary Humanities – A Public Panel (Two Parts)

YouTube Livestream

This public panel is part of a workshop hosted by Bo Strath, John Noyes & Dominic Sachsenmaier. It will discuss some of the major themes, contours, contexts, interventions, challenges, or potential pitfalls of the humanities understood as a planetary endeavor. The two panels (about one hour each) will be broadcast on youtube livestream. Part One: […]