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Week of Events
“Bhiksunī Chao-Hwei’s Buddhist Social Activism: From Solidarity with the Disadvantaged to Marriage Equality”
“Bhiksunī Chao-Hwei’s Buddhist Social Activism: From Solidarity with the Disadvantaged to Marriage Equality”
Hsiao-Lan Hu, Ph.D. (Associate Professor of Religious Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies University of Detroit Mercy) Abstract: On 24 May 2017, the Supreme Court in Taiwan ruled in favor of marriage equality, nearly five years after the much celebrated first Buddhist lesbian wedding officiated by Bhiksunī Chao-Hwei. She has officiated a few other same-sex […]
Pun Ngai (University of Hongkong): Working in China
Pun Ngai (University of Hongkong): Working in China
If you are interested in it and want to participate, please contact Villarama, Jennifer per email (jennifer.villarama@sofi.uni-goettingen.de).