Andrew Cainey (UK National Committee on China): Xiconomics, Dual Circulation Strategy and Western Business

Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, ZHG 003 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen

5. June, 17:15 - 18:45 ZHG 003 Abstract: In Xi Jinping’s China, national security, ideology and the political priorities of the Communist Party now play a much larger role in shaping China’s economic and business environment. The context is more politicized, more uncertain. China’s state media call this ‘Xiconomics’. Xi’s Dual Circulation Strategy marks out […]

Lecture: Dr. Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (CNRS-EHESS Paris): Hybrid Maps: Reformatting the Chinese Imperial Realm According to 19th-Century Western Cartography

Verfügungsgebäude, VG 2.103

1. June, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: The definition of “The Great Qing Everlasting Unified” was frequently used in titles of general maps of the imperial realm in the beginning of the 19th century. It formally distinguishes one of the most widely known and impressive group of Chinese maps, the so-called Blue Maps and […]

Lecture: Prof. Malachi Hacohen (Duke University): Antisemitism(s) – Local to Global

Verfügungsgebäude, VG 2.103

25. May, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: In the aftermath of the Holocaust, Antisemitism occupies a unique place among minority hatreds, weighing on historians’ conscience and challenging historical faculties. The variety, local contexts, and divergent character of antisemitism present a major challenge for historical explanation Yet, as globalization progresses, there is a convergence toward […]

Vortrag Dr. Marc Hermann (Universität Bonn): „Marsianer und Mutanten: Chinesische Science-Fiction erobert den Planeten“

Verfügungsgebäude, VG 1.103

Abstract: Der weltweite Erfolg von LIU Cixins Trisolaris-Trilogie hat der chinesischen Science-Fiction internationale Aufmerksamkeit beschert. Neben LIU als Galionsfigur haben sich auch jüngere Autoren wie CHEN Qiufan oder HAO Jingfang einen Namen gemacht. Was steckt hinter diesem Erfolg? Wie „chinesisch“ ist die chinesische Science-Fiction? Und welche unterschied-lichen Strömungen weist sie auf? Short bio: Dr. Marc […]

Dr. Hu Nan, Fudan University: Towards an Anticolonial Asian Cinema: the 1957 Asian Film Week and China’s Imagination of Asia

Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen

11. May, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: This talk traces the forgotten history of the Asian Film Week held by and in China in 1957. It engages with two recent discussions of cultural politics in the Cold War era. First, there is a growing interest in Sino-Asian cultural relations in the 1950s and 1960s, […]

Prof. Selcuk Esenbel (Bogazici Univ. Istanbul): Legal Transformation, Contemporary Civilization, and Sovereignty: Global Perspectives on the Quest for Modernity in Japan, China, and Turkey

Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 0.110

9. May (Tuesday), 16:15 - 17:45 VG 0.110 Abstract: The paper discusses some key experiences of Japan, Turkey, and China during the nineteenth century, but primarily focuses on a comparative discussion of Japan and Turkey for the twentieth century and possibly the early years of the new millennium. It will offer reflections particularly on the […]

Prof. Ho Wai Yip, Exeter University: Two Tales of the City: Conflicting Narratives on Hong Kong

Verfügungsgebäude (VG) 2.103 Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7, Göttingen

4. May, 18:15 - 19:45 VG 2.103 Abstract: As always, there are conflicting narratives on Hong Kong’s history from the British colonial period to the present comprehensive rule of the People’s Republic of China. In the early transition from British to Chinese rule in early 2000s, there were two contradictory views in explaining the economic […]

Vortrag: Dr. phil. Volker Klöpsch: „Jadeschleifer, Verseschmied: Das Handwerk der Dichtung im Lichte der chinesischen Literaturkritik“.

Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen

Dichtung ist ein universales Phänomen. Doch entsteht sie überall unter ähnlichen Voraussetzungen? Ein genauerer Blick zeigt, dass Dichten viel­fach als ein gewöhnliches Handwerk verstanden wird. Darauf verweisen Begriffe wie Verse­schmied oder Jadeschleifer, Vers oder Text. Der Vortrag untersucht an einer Reihe von Bei­spie­len, wie im Alten China ein Gedicht entstand, welche Funktion sein Verfasser in […]

Christian Henriot & Cecile Armand , Aix-Marseille University: Taming the Digital Dragon. Textbases, Datafication, and the Study of Modern China

Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen

23. Feb., 16:15 - 17:45 KWZ 0.602 Abstract: Since the mid-1990s much has been written about digital history and how the Internet and the dematerialization of historical sources are transforming the ways in which historians can muster their materials. The major shift, however, occurred when historical sources became available in full text format. This finally […]

线上讲座 Online Lectures – 如何让学生爱学汉语 How to make students love learning Chinese


讲座要点: 如何激发学生学习动机始终是一线教师需要关注的问题,本讲座首先分析了学习者汉语学习动机的类型,动机与学习效果的关系,并在此基础上从需求分析、目标设定、发现学习、难度控制等多个角度探讨了激发学生的学习动机的方式与方法。 Key points of the lecture: The stimulation of students’ learning motivation is doubtless one of the key challenges of teachers in practice. After an analysis of different types of learning motives of Chinese learners and the relationship between motivation and learning outcomes, this lecture explores various means and methods of enhance students’ learning […]

Drama reading

LSG University of Göttingen

"Mr. Big," a play based on the leading figure of modern Chinese literature, is the first attempt to visualize Lu Xun's image on the stage. The play starts with Lu Xun's death and then shows the flashback scenes of the protagonist's encounters with the people he was most concerned about during his lifetime. The play […]

Vortrag Francois Gipoloux, CNRS Paris: The paradox of Wealthy Merchants and Weak Capital Accumulation in Late Imperial China

Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.607 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen

Tuesday, January 24, 18:15 – 19:45 KWZ 0.607 Abstract: This presentation proposes another interpretation of the Europe/China divergence, based on a redefinition of capitalism in much broader terms than its mere reduction to the industrial revolution. It recalls the reasons why Chinese merchant networks did not formalize autonomous institutions, in order to confer a perennial […]

Lecture: The Art of Audience Participation in Applied Theatre


The Art of Audience Participation in Applied Theatre Speaker: Estella WONG, Associate Professor and the Head of Applied Theatre in the School of Drama, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Date: Thursday, Jan 19, 2023, 13:00 PM CET Zoom Link: Language: English More Information:

1st International Symposium on Contemporary Asian Theatre in Göttingen (Dec. 8th-9th)

to Hannah Vogt Hall, Wilhelmspl. 3, 37073 Göttingen

The 1st International Symposium on Contemporary Asian Theatre will take place from Dec. 8 to 9 at the University of Göttingen. The symposium theme is "Between Asia and Europe, Between Local Specificity and Global Recognition." It consists of keynotes, panels, a roundtable, an online artist forum, a drama reading, and workshops. Welcome to Hannah Vogt […]

„Contemporary Theater Arts“ Seminar Series No. 14


The Department of East Asian Studies (the University of Göttignen) and the Department of Theatre, Film and TV Arts (Nanjing University) jointly host the “Contemporary Theater Arts” Seminar Series. It is open to anyone interested in the Asian theatre. Topic: Draft Theatre: the Assembly Line Theatre Production Speaker: ZHAO Chuan, author, art critic, independent theatre […]

Sophia Kidd : Ontology of Self in Translating China’s New Silk Roads

KWZ 0.609

Sophia Kidd Title: Ontology of Self in Translating China's New Silk Roads KWZ 0.609 Abstract: In this lecture, I discuss how the ontological unit of 'self' cannot be taken for granted when discussing narratives, translation of, and methodology for understanding China's New Silk Roads. I will do this by analyzing how the ontology of self […]

Informationsveranstaltung für alle Erstsemester im Master Modern Sinology

KWZ 0.602

Das Ostasiatische Seminar lädt alle Erstsemester für den 21. Oktober 2022 von 12:00-13:00 Uhr zu einer Informationsveranstaltung über unseren Master Modern Sinology in das Kulturwissenschaftliche Zentrum KWZ 0.602 ein. Hier gelangen Sie zum Orientierungsphasen-Programm des Ostasiatischen Seminars.

Informationsveranstaltung für alle Erstsemester in den BA-Studiengängen des OAS

Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, KWZ 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen

Das Ostasiatische Seminar lädt alle Erstsemester für den 21. Oktober 2022 von 10:00-12:00 Uhr zu einer Informationsveranstaltung über unsere Bachelorstudiengänge in das Kulturwissenschaftliche Zentrum KWZ 0.602 ein. Da wir an diesem Tag bereits die Gruppeneinteilung für den Sprachunterricht vornehmen werden, wird die Teilnahme dringend empfohlen. Hier gelangen Sie zum Orientierungsphasen-Programm des Ostasiatischen Seminars. Hier gelangen […]

ABGESAGT: Veranstaltung für Studierende: 07.10.2022 Praxisbezogene Chinakompetenz

VG 1.101

Nach zwei Jahren Pandemie eine einmalige Möglichkeit, Arbeitswelten, Berufseinstieg und Kompetenzen für den chinesischen Arbeitsmarkt kennen zu lernen und zu diskutieren! Zeit: 07.10.2022, 10:00 Ort: VG 1.101 Herr Wolfgang Krieger vom BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie) in Peking wird einen kurzen Vortrag halten und dann für ein Q&A zur Verfügung stehen. Wolfgang Krieger ist Deputy […]

CeMEAS: Öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion: Chinas Wirtschaft im globalen Systemwettbewerb

ZHG 002

„Chinas Wirtschaft im globalen Systemwettbewerb“ Diskutant*innen: Dietmar Baetge (TH Wildau) Anja Jetschke (Universität Göttingen), Wolfgang Krieger (BDI) Jürgen Matthes (IW Köln) Moderation: Felix Turbanisch, Universität Göttingen Weitere Informationen unter:


Workshop: Islamic Pasts and Futures in East Asia’s Worldmaking

Historische Sternwarte, University of Göttingen Geismar Landstraße 11, Göttingen

September 23, Friday 11:00 - 11:20 Opening and Introduction • Dominic Sachsenmaier (University of Göttingen) • Janice Hyeju Jeong (University of Göttingen) • Mohammad Alsudairi (King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies) 11:30 - 14:00 Panel I. Visions and Instrumentalizations of Islam in Asia: Historical Trajectories Chair: Janice Hyeju Jeong (University of Göttingen) • […]

Arab-Chinese Entanglements in the Age of Global Empires

ZHG 104 or Zoom

Speaker: Wen Shuang (New York University of Shanghai) This talk narrates four little-known stories of Arab-Chinese entanglement in the age of trans-imperial collaboration and competition in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Although much attention is paid to China's relationships with the Middle East today, I argue that this relationship did not emerge out […]

Lecture: From Mentorship to Comradeship: Irving Babbitt, The Critical Review, and Conservative Globalism in Republic China, Kuo Ya-pei

KWZ 0.609 or Zoom

July 15, 2022, 10:00 AM (GMT +2) in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna On Campus: KWZ 0.609 (University of Göttingen, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For registration, please use this zoom link. Since the late 19th century, the “East vs West” dichotomy has been the predominant framework for understanding Chinese civilization and its place […]

Hun 魂 and Po 魄: An ancient Chinese approach to human psyche and soul

KWZ 0.701 or Zoom

Dr. Dr. Dominique Hertzer Visiting Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Göttingen July 13, 2022, 10:00 AM On Campus: KWZ 0.701 Conference Room (University of Göttingen, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen) On Zoom: For online participation, please use this zoom link. Is there only one soul? What is the relation between body and mind […]

The World of Everyday Political Thought: A Transcultural History of a ‚Chinese‘ Rhetorical Curriculum, ca. 1200-1600

Waldweg 1.201 or Zoom

Speaker: Shoufu Yi (University of British Columbia) On Campus: Hörsaal 1.201, Waldweg On Zoom: The digital participation at this event is open to everyone who registers prior to the event: Registration This talk has two goals. First, it develops a new approach to the studies of political theory and philosophy, one that I call everyday […]