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CeMEAS Lecture Series: Farmers, Market and Agricultural Policy in China
CeMEAS Lecture Series: Farmers, Market and Agricultural Policy in China
Yu Xiaohua, University of Göttingen Erfahren Sie mehr
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International Conference: “Teaching and Assessing Chinese in Europe: Proficiency Expectations and Assessment Instruments”
Organisatoren: Prof. Dr. Andreas Guder, Ostasiatisches Seminar der Universität Göttingen und Deutscher Direktor des Akademischen Konfuzius-Instituts, Göttingen Prof. Dr. Erwin Tschirner, Institute for Test Research and Test Development, Leipzig Priv.-Doz. Dr. Olaf Bärenfänger, Institute for Test Research and Test Development, Leipzig Bei Fragen können Sie gerne Herrn Prof. Dr. Guder per E-Mail kontaktieren. What levels […]
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CeMEAS Lecture: The 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party
CeMEAS Lecture: The 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party
The 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party: a Quantitative Assessment Victor Shih, University of California San Diego Abstract: Two important questions that can be asked about the 19th Party Congress, scheduled to take place in the fall of 2017, include who will take over key positions at the top of the party hierarchy and […]
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Vortrag Prof. Michael Schoenhals (Lund Univ., Sweden): „Are they reading our mail? – Postüberwachung in the early People’s Republic of China“
Vortrag Prof. Michael Schoenhals (Lund Univ., Sweden): „Are they reading our mail? – Postüberwachung in the early People’s Republic of China“
On the basis of Chinese archival records, this presentation describes and critically assesses – including from a global, comparative perspective – covert postal inspection as conducted by state security organs in Mao Zedong’s China (1949–1976). According to an early classified directive, postal inspection and monitoring was to “pay attention to the imperialist countries as well […]
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“Bhiksunī Chao-Hwei’s Buddhist Social Activism: From Solidarity with the Disadvantaged to Marriage Equality”
“Bhiksunī Chao-Hwei’s Buddhist Social Activism: From Solidarity with the Disadvantaged to Marriage Equality”
Hsiao-Lan Hu, Ph.D. (Associate Professor of Religious Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies University of Detroit Mercy) Abstract: On 24 May 2017, the Supreme Court in Taiwan ruled in favor of marriage equality, nearly five years after the much celebrated first Buddhist lesbian wedding officiated by Bhiksunī Chao-Hwei. She has officiated a few other same-sex […]
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Pun Ngai (University of Hongkong): Working in China
Pun Ngai (University of Hongkong): Working in China
Wenn Sie Interesse an der Veranstaltung haben und teilnehmen möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte Jennifer Villarama per email (jennifer.villarama@sofi.uni-goettingen.de).
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CeMEAS Lecture Series: Headlines are not the Main Story: Tracking Xi Jinping’s Economic Reforms
CeMEAS Lecture Series: Headlines are not the Main Story: Tracking Xi Jinping’s Economic Reforms
Christine Wong, University of Melbourne Erfahren Sie mehr
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Vergleichende Erforschung des chinesischen Buddhismus, Universität Göttingen plant Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde – Festveranstaltung am 26. Juni 2017
Vergleichende Erforschung des chinesischen Buddhismus, Universität Göttingen plant Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde – Festveranstaltung am 26. Juni 2017
Die Universität Göttingen feiert am Montag, 26. Juni 2017, in der Aula am Wilhelmsplatz die Unterzeichnung einer Absichtserklärung zur Förderung eines neuen Zentrums für Buddhismuskunde. Schwerpunkt des angestrebten Zentrums wird die vergleichende Erforschung des chinesischen Buddhismus sein, insbesondere des in China am weitesten verbreiteten Chan-Buddhismus (japanisch Zen-Buddhismus). Das Zentrum wird gefördert vom Tempel des Sechsten […]
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1 Veranstaltung,
Vortrag Prof. Kerry Brown (King’s College, London): „The Powers of Xi Jinping“
Vortrag Prof. Kerry Brown (King’s College, London): „The Powers of Xi Jinping“
Abstract: This year will see the 19th Party Congress. marking a moment of re-evaluation for the Communist Party policy and elite leadership. Under Xi since 2012 there has been what is claimed to have been a concentration of power within his hands. But how can we best understand this power, and what sense does it […]