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1 Veranstaltung,
Vergleichende Erforschung des chinesischen Buddhismus, Universität Göttingen plant Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde – Festveranstaltung am 26. Juni 2017
Vergleichende Erforschung des chinesischen Buddhismus, Universität Göttingen plant Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde – Festveranstaltung am 26. Juni 2017
Die Universität Göttingen feiert am Montag, 26. Juni 2017, in der Aula am Wilhelmsplatz die Unterzeichnung einer Absichtserklärung zur Förderung eines neuen Zentrums für Buddhismuskunde. Schwerpunkt des angestrebten Zentrums wird die vergleichende Erforschung des chinesischen Buddhismus sein, insbesondere des in China am weitesten verbreiteten Chan-Buddhismus (japanisch Zen-Buddhismus). Das Zentrum wird gefördert vom Tempel des Sechsten […]
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Vortrag Prof. Kerry Brown (King’s College, London): „The Powers of Xi Jinping“
Vortrag Prof. Kerry Brown (King’s College, London): „The Powers of Xi Jinping“
Abstract: This year will see the 19th Party Congress. marking a moment of re-evaluation for the Communist Party policy and elite leadership. Under Xi since 2012 there has been what is claimed to have been a concentration of power within his hands. But how can we best understand this power, and what sense does it […]
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CeMEAS Lecture Series: Air Pollution and the Public in China: Perspectives from Urban and Rural Areas
CeMEAS Lecture Series: Air Pollution and the Public in China: Perspectives from Urban and Rural Areas
Bryan Tilt, Oregon State University Erfahren Sie mehr
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CeMEAS Lecture: Liberating the “oppressed nations”: Chinese communist networks and the Comintern in Southeast Asia, the Americas, and Europe, c. 1920s-1930s
CeMEAS Lecture: Liberating the “oppressed nations”: Chinese communist networks and the Comintern in Southeast Asia, the Americas, and Europe, c. 1920s-1930s
Anna Belogurova, CeMIS, Universität Göttingen Abstract: In the context of unprecedented circulation of people and ideas in the interwar global moment, Chinese communists built their overseas networks in the old empires and invented new nations. As they were making revolution both in and outside China, they aspired to liberate the world from imperialism and to […]
1 Veranstaltung,
Prof. WANG Hui (Tsinghua University): The Beginning of the Century: A Reconsideration on the 20th Century in Chinese/Global History
Prof. WANG Hui (Tsinghua University): The Beginning of the Century: A Reconsideration on the 20th Century in Chinese/Global History
Abstract: At the beginning of the 20th century, the alien idea of century began to replace other traditional concepts of chronology in China and reshaped Chinese idea of time. Following the application of 20th century in Chinese context, other related concepts such as 19th century, 18th century and their sequence emerged as derivatives of 20th […]
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CeMEAS Podium: What is the Future of Made in China? Opportunities and Challenges for Europe
CeMEAS Podium: What is the Future of Made in China? Opportunities and Challenges for Europe
Introduction: This half-day event will explore these issues in discussion with leading international scholars and government experts. A first roundtable will analyze the economic challenges and policy aims behind “Made in China 2025” and evaluate the prospects of this state-led approach to industrial upgrading. A second roundtable will focus on the opportunities and challenges for […]