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Prof. Dr. Tze-ki Hon (City University of Hong Kong): The Yijing and the Yijing Commentarial Traditions
Prof. Dr. Tze-ki Hon (City University of Hong Kong): The Yijing and the Yijing Commentarial Traditions
Abstract: Originally a divination manual, the Yijing 易經 (Book of Changes) is a composite text consisting of three distinct layers. Its first layer is comprised by the 8 trigrams and 64 hexagrams allegedly created by the mythical figure, Fu Xi. Its second layer are the hexagram statements and line statements allegedly written by King Wen […]
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1 Veranstaltung,
Yi-hsun Huang & Hsin-yi Lin: „Chan Studies based on the Rare Material Collection at Fo Guang University“
Yi-hsun Huang & Hsin-yi Lin: „Chan Studies based on the Rare Material Collection at Fo Guang University“
Yi-hsun Huang: “Chan Master Hanyue’s Concept of Chan and Teachings” Abstract: This talk introduces Chan Master Hanyue’s 漢月 (1573–1635) attitude toward sūtra teachings in the late Ming by using a rare book, Hanyue’s Guiding Words on the Zhizheng zhuan. Hanyue represents a mature and confident attitude towards sūtra teachings on the part of a Chan […]