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1 Veranstaltung,
The Chinese Theater in Goettingen (27.03.2020-02.08.2020)
The Chinese Theater in Goettingen is a Chinese-language amateur theater group founded in summer 2019. Most members are Chinese students, but the group also includes research fellows, German students learning Chinese language at the University of Goettingen, and professionals working in the city of Goettingen. Dr. Yumin Ao acts as the coordinator. She is a […]
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2 Veranstaltungen,
CeMEAS: The 15th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon: Closer to the self while far from home: A longitudinal study about the experiences of students from People’s Republic of China in Germany
CeMEAS: The 15th Göttingen East Asia Research Salon: Closer to the self while far from home: A longitudinal study about the experiences of students from People’s Republic of China in Germany
Please RSVP for the event via Ms Kara Blumenthal at assist@cemeas.uni-goettingen.de. Presenter: Lili Jiang (University of Göttingen, Department of East Asian Studies) Commentators: Dr. Jesús Pineda (Scientific coordinator and researcher, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Dr. Sascha Klotzbücher (Acting Chair, Society and Economy of China, University of Göttingen) Time: Tuesday, 07.07.2020, 6 pm (c.t.) – […]
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2 Veranstaltungen,
CeMEAS Online Lecture: Affective pedagogic spaces in contemporary China
CeMEAS Online Lecture: Affective pedagogic spaces in contemporary China
Lecturer: Gil Hizi (PhD University of Sydney) Abstract: Through the influence of psychotherapeutic expertise and popular entertainment, pedagogic programs for “self-improvement” in China today define positive affect as a key aspect of learning. In this talk, based on participant observations in the city of Jinan, I describe how workshops for interpersonal skills produce interactive spaces […]
2 Veranstaltungen,
CeMEAS Lecture: Weaponizing medicine: China’s disease prevention and the “military-civil fusion” in medical research
CeMEAS Lecture: Weaponizing medicine: China’s disease prevention and the “military-civil fusion” in medical research
Sascha Klotzbücher (University of Göttingen) Time: July 15, 2020 5pm Venue: Zoom-Meeting https://uni-goettingen.zoom.us/j/93597507671?pwd=S3htRlBNd0RNQVF6Ukw3dlpBSXJEUT09 Meeting-ID: 935 9750 7671 Passwort: 404190 Abstract: Since 2016, the Chinese Communist Party proclaimed the strategy of “military-civil fusion” of research (Kania 2019) (军民融合). However, this cooperation between military academies and civil universities or research institutes is not new. This lecture aims […]