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Fan Xin (Cambridge): Emotions as Politics: Rethinking Chinese Nationalism
Fan Xin (Cambridge): Emotions as Politics: Rethinking Chinese Nationalism
4. Dec. (Monday), 17:15 - 18:45 Theologicum (Theol) 0.135 Abstract: The rise of history of emotions has been a recent development in historiography. In the field of Chinese studies, scholars such as Eugenia Lean, Haiyan Lee, Chen Li, and Zuo Ya have been writing about how emotions, feelings, and sentiments contributed to the formation and […]
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CANCELLED: Robert Kramm (Munich): Staging Radical Utopian Communities in the Early 20th Century
CANCELLED: Robert Kramm (Munich): Staging Radical Utopian Communities in the Early 20th Century
VG 3.101 18. Dec. (Monday), 16:15-17:45 Abstract: At the turn of the twentieth century, radical utopian communities were built all around the world. They served as retreats, but they simultaneously constituted hubs for activists, reformers, and revolutionaries to meet, share, and develop new ideas and practices of community and human existence. The project Radical Utopian […]