Woche von Veranstaltungen
CeMEAS Guest Lecture: Common Elements of an Axial Age? Comparative Perspectives on Ancient China and Ancient Egypt
CeMEAS Guest Lecture: Common Elements of an Axial Age? Comparative Perspectives on Ancient China and Ancient Egypt
Prof. Mu-Chou Poo Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong In this lecture Prof. Poo re-examines the theory of the Axial Age by first investigating the case of China, situating the findings in the context of the on-going scholarly discussions on the idea of the Axial Age as proposed by Jaspers and expounded […]
CeMEAS Guest Lecture: Chinese Humanities in the Global Era
CeMEAS Guest Lecture: Chinese Humanities in the Global Era
Prof. Hsiung Ping-Chen The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Term “Humanities” is often used in reference to disciplinary academic humanities: a modern, institutional subject. That its development is usually a product (or byproduct) of cultural politics in nation-building can be taken for granted. In the case of China, however, the long and complicated civilization […]
CeMEAS Gastvortrag: Ein Postkolonialer Denker avant la lettre? Takeuchi Yoshimi, sein Asianismus und die Kritik an der Moderne
CeMEAS Gastvortrag: Ein Postkolonialer Denker avant la lettre? Takeuchi Yoshimi, sein Asianismus und die Kritik an der Moderne
Prof. Viren Murthy Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison In den 1980er Jahren begann eine zentrale Auseinandersetzung zwischen Marxisten und postkolonialen Theoretikern. Letztere kritisierten den Marxismus als eurozentrisch. Ihrer Meinung nach sahen Marxisten die europäische Geschichte als universell gültig und nutzten daher das europäische Entwicklungsmodell um Asien zu erklären. So verwendeten die Marxisten Kategorien wie […]
CeMEAS Guest Lecture: Floating Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors in North China Plain: Boat-dwelling Fisherpeople’s Mobile Pantheon and Ancestral Hall
CeMEAS Guest Lecture: Floating Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors in North China Plain: Boat-dwelling Fisherpeople’s Mobile Pantheon and Ancestral Hall
This talk focuses on how environmental change transformed the religious culture by examining the floating community of boat-dwelling fisherpeople in freshwater in North China. These mobile, isolated boat people adapted to a boat-dwelling lifestyle, organized aquatic social groups, and created innovative religious practices and beliefs in order to maintain their relationships with spirits and ancestors, […]