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Vortrag: „Ritual and Conversion in the Early Modern World: A case Study of Mary, Mazu, and Mariners“
Kulturwissenschaftsliches Zentrum, Raum 0.602 Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, GöttingenWoche von Veranstaltungen
Vortrag: „Ritual and Conversion in the Early Modern World: A case Study of Mary, Mazu, and Mariners“
Vortrag: „Ritual and Conversion in the Early Modern World: A case Study of Mary, Mazu, and Mariners“
Prof. Ronnie Hsia von der Pennsylvania State University Ritual and Conversion in the Early Modern World: A case Study of Mary, Mazu, and Mariners 12. Dezember 2016, 18-20 Uhr KWZ 0.602, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen Kurzbeschreibung: Mazu and the Virgin Mary were respectively protectors for Chinese and Portuguese seamen in the early modern world. This […]