Woche von Veranstaltungen
Iain Johnston (Harvard University): China and International Order: What Order? Which Order?
Iain Johnston (Harvard University): China and International Order: What Order? Which Order?
Abstract: The discourse about China’s challenge to the liberal world order assumes that such an order exists. This talk argues that there are instead multiple orders in different arenas (military, trade, finance, information, environment, among others), and that there are tensions within and between these orders. China supports some of these orders, wants to reform […]
Greg Distelhorst (MIT) & Diana Fu (University of Toronto): Citizenship & Bureaucracy in China
Greg Distelhorst (MIT) & Diana Fu (University of Toronto): Citizenship & Bureaucracy in China
Articulating Authoritatian Citizenship in China Greg Distelhorst (MIT) Evaluating the Bureaucracy in China and the US Diana Fu (University of Toronto) Short Bio: Greg Distelhorst: Greg Distelhorst is the Mitsubishi Career Development Professor and an Assistant Professor in Global Economics and Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. His research explores the social impact […]
Bene Bassetti (University of Warwick): „Chinese as a Second Language Writing System: Some Less Widely Researched Issues“
Bene Bassetti (University of Warwick): „Chinese as a Second Language Writing System: Some Less Widely Researched Issues“
Abstract: This talk will explore some less widely researched topics related to the learning and use of hanzi and pinyin in learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language. First, we will look at how the interword spacing conventions of CFL learners’ first languages affect their Chinese word awareness and their reading of hanzi sentences and […]